retrogamer999 / WeatherClock

A simple clock with weather info, meant to be used on a Rasperry Pi with its 7" display, in a full-screen Chromium instance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple clock with weather info, meant to be used on a Rasperry Pi with its 7" display, in a full-screen Chromium instance


Optionally, it can be configured to monitor a Subsonic instance and, when something is playing, replace the weather forecast with media info:

Subsonic support

(it should also work with other streaming apps that implement Subsonic's API, such as Ampache or Madsonic...)

Clock setup

You'll need an API key for in order to get the required information. Once you have it, edit backend/config-dist.php and save it as backend/config.php

Chromium Setup

Follow the instructions at to setup your Pi to start Chromium on boot, pointing it to the website (hosted either on the Pi itself, or another machine)


A simple clock with weather info, meant to be used on a Rasperry Pi with its 7" display, in a full-screen Chromium instance

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 39.1%Language:CSS 27.2%Language:JavaScript 25.2%Language:HTML 8.6%