reside-ic / vue-maps

A library of Vue components for model visualisation and exploration

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A library of Vue map components for model exploration, using Leaflet for visualising data in a geographical context.


  • Install from npm:

    npm install @reside-ic/vue-maps
  • Import into your project and register components globally or locally:

    import {BubblePlot} from "@reside-ic/vue-maps"
    // global
    Vue.component("bubble-plot", BubblePlot)
    // or local
    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      components: {

    Include the distributed css file in your app:


    Also include Bootstrap and Leaflet styles:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


    To use the maps library directly in the browser, just include dist/js/vue-maps.min.js on the page, after Vue:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@reside-ic/vue-maps/dist/vue-maps.min.js"></script>

    In this case the component will be automatically registered.



    Bubble Plot

    BubblePlot displays data values ('indicators') where each value is linked to a geographical area shown on a map. The geography is provided to the component as geojson data.

    A coloured circle is drawn over each area, where the colour of the circle indicates the value of one type of indicator for that area, and the size of the circle indicates the value of another type of indicator. Tooltips can be viewed for each area showing the exact value of both indicators.

    Any number of indicator values can be provided for each area. The user may select from drop-downs in the component which type of indicator values to display by colour and by size.

    The dataset provided to the component may also contain any number of other data values to be used as filters. The user can select these values from further drop-downs to choose how to filter the visible data.

    The geojson provided can be hierarchical e.g. districts within regions within a country. The user can select which level in this hierarchy to view data for by selecting from the 'Detail' drop-down. It is expected that values for all levels in the hierarchy will be provided in the dataset - the component does no aggregation itself.

    Area is treated as a filter too - if no areas are selected in the Area drop-down, bubbles for all areas will be displayed. The user may also select one or more areas (at any level), to automatically zoom to display bubbles only for the selected areas.

    Metadata provided to the component defines the colour scale to display and expected ranges of the indicator values. as well as the expected data format, and display labels.

    Metadata must also be provided for the filter options to display in the Filters drop-downs, including display labels.

    BubblePlot displays two legends, one for size and one for colour.

    For a full example see examples/bubbleplot.html.

    Data - Long and wide format

    The dataset is provided to the component in the chartdata property. The value provided should be an array of objects, where each object represents a row in a tabular dataset, with properties whose names match column name and whose values are the cell values.

    The component can handle data in both long format and wide format. In long format, each row holds only a single indicator value, with a separate column indicating which indicator the value is for. In wide format, each row holds many indicator values.

    In both formats, each row also contains a value identifying the area, and further values corresponding to filter values, e.g. if 'Age' is a filter there will be rows for each age group, for each area.

    The component uses the metadata provided in the indicators property to know which format applies, and how to apply it.

    For example, a row in long format might look like:

          area_id: "MWI",
          sex: "female",
          age_group: "15-49",
          indicator_id: 1,
          value: 7631061

    Its corresponding indicator metadata might be:

          indicator: "population",
          value_column: "value",
          indicator_column: "indicator_id",
          indicator_value: "1",
          name: "Population",
          min: 0,
          max: 20000000,
          colour: "interpolateViridis",
          invert_scale: false

    The component needs to know which indicator this row provides a value for. It uses the indicator_column and indicator_value properties of the metadata for this. If it finds the value of indicator_value in the row's property named with the value in indicator_column then this is the indicator for the row, and its value will be found in value_column.

    A row in wide format might look like this:

            area_id: "MWI",
            sex: "female",
            age_group: "15-49",
            population: 7631061,
            prevalence: 0.012324,
            plhiv: 89131

    Its corresponding indicator metadata might be:

          indicator: "population",
          value_column: "population",
          indicator_column: null,
          indicator_value: null,
          name: "Population",
          min: 0,
          max: 20000000,
          colour: "interpolateViridis",
          invert_scale: false

    There is no need for the indicator_column and indicator_value properties to be populated in the indicator metadata, since there will be no corresponding column in wide data. Instead, each indicator will be identifiable on each row by its value_column alone.


    This component requires the following props:


    Type: BubblePlotLabels, which has these properties:

    Name Type Description
    filtersLabel string Label to display for the header above the filters drop-downs
    colorIndicatorLabel string Label for the Colour Indicator drop-down
    sizeIndicatorLabel string Label for the Size Indicator drop-down
    detailLabel string Label for the Detail drop-down.

    This enables you to choose your own text for the UI, or support multiple languages.


    Type: Feature[]

    The features props provides geojson data on the geography to be displayed in the plot. Please see the geojson site for a full geojson spec. BubblePlot requires area_id to be present in each feature's properties. This identifier is used for selection and filtering of areas.


    Type: LevelLabel[] where LevelLabel has these properties:

    Name Type Description
    id number Numeric id for a level in the area hierarchy. Lower numbers indicate larger areas, and level 0 is expected to be the lowest level, indicating a country.
    area_level_label string Display label for this level e.g. 'District'
    display boolean Whether to show this level in the Detail drop-down

    Type: IndicatorMetadata[] where IndicatorMetadata has these properties:

    Name Type Description
    indicator string Identifier for this indicator. Does not have to match indicator_value.
    value_column string Name of the property in each data row which holds the value of this indicator
    indicator_column string In long-format data, the name of the property in each data row which holds the indicator. Should be null for wide data formats.
    indicator_value string In long-format data, the value in the indicator-column which identifies a row as belonging to this indicator.
    name string Display label for this indicator. This will be shown in the indicator drop-downs.
    min number Minimum expected value for this indicator, used to calculate colour scale. The size scale is calculated from the actual values in the data.
    max number Maximum expected value for this indicator.
    colour string Name of the colour function for calculating colour values. This should match one of the d3-scale-chromatic colour schemes, e.g. "interpolateMagma".
    invert_scale boolean If true, the usual scale for the colour function will be inverted i.e. lower values will be assigned colours which would usually be given to higher values, and vice versa.

    See above for a full description of long and wide format data. The BubblePlot will make all indicators provided in this property available as both colour indicators and size indicators.


    Type: any[]

    See the above section on data format for details on the expected format of this property.


    Type: Filter[] where Filter has these properties:

    Name Type Description
    id string Identifier for this filter.
    label string Display label for this filter. Will be shown as the label for this filter's drop-down.
    column_id string Name of the property in each data row which holds the value relevant to this filter.
    options FilterOption[] The available values for this filter. These will be displayed in the filter drop-down, and should match the actual values in the data.

    FilterOption has these properties:

    Name Type Description
    id string The expected value in the data.
    label string Display label for this filter options. This text will be shown in the filter drop-down.

    When the user selects a set of values in the filter drop-downs the data shown on the map will be filtered to only include rows match those values.


    Type: BubblePlotSelections:

    Name Type Description
    colorIndicatorId string Id of the selected indicator for colour
    sizeIndicatorId string Id of the selected indicator for size
    selectedFilterOptioins string The selected filter options as a dictionary, where each key is the id of a Filter, whose value is an array containing its selected FilterOptions.

    This property represents the current set of selected filter options, and other options. If these are updated by changing the property value, the UI in the component will update.


    Type: string

    The id of the Filter which contains area values. The BubblePlot treats this filter differently to the others, so needs this property to identify it.


    update: The component emits this event when the selections are changed by the user, or when the component selects initial values. This event's payload is a Partial<BubblePlotSelections> object, containing only the updated values.


    • To run unit tests with jest: npm test
    • To build distribution files: npm build
    • To publish to npm:
      • first iterate the version in package.json
      • then npm publish --access public


A library of Vue components for model visualisation and exploration

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 62.8%Language:Vue 32.6%Language:JavaScript 3.7%Language:CSS 0.9%