- Python
- Tkinter
- Gemini AI
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- OpenWeatherMap API
- WeatherAPI API
- apiip API
- Gemini API
- Displays current weather information of selected city.
- Current temperature and description of current temperature (sunny☀️/cloudy☁️/rainy🌧️/thunder⛈️/Snow)
- Feels-like temperature
- Wind speed
- Humidity
- Dew point
- Visibility
- Pressure
- UV index
- Air pollution index
- Dynamically changing background on dashboard based on current weather temperature of selected city.
- Displays global cities with the same name of the city you searched in combobox to let the user choose from.
- Displays the country name of the selected city with the local time.🕦
- Displays present day's information
- Moon phase with picture and illumination in percentage.
- 🌑 New moon
- 🌒 Waxing Crescent
- 🌓 First Quarter
- 🌔 Waxing Gibbous
- 🌕 Full moon
- 🌖 Waning Gibbous
- 🌗 Third Quarter
- 🌘 Waning Crescent
- Displays sunrise🌅, sunset🌇, moon rise, and moon set🌕 timing of present day in the selected city.
- Moon phase with picture and illumination in percentage.
- View all weather data of user's current location on clicking the location button by automatically detecting user location using public IP address.
- Present day's air pollutants and their concentrations to safeguard your respiratory health.
- Shows the overall weather forecast for the next 2 days with temperature, temperature description, lowest and highest temperature for each day with icons.
- View the hourly temperatures for the next 10 hours in 3 hour interval period.
- Line chart📈 to visualize the next 10 hourly weather fluctuations based on temperature.
- One click refresh button to view the updated weather information of the last selected city.
- Displays the current air pollution index with a human face depicting the air pollution level of the selected city.
- Displays current UV index with tips to protect from harmful UV rays.
- Bar chart📊 to visualize the present day's hourly UV index with varied colors.
- Toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature🌡️ units in single click of button.
- Search for weather data for any city around the world in a navigation friendly interface.🔍
- Detailed hourly weather forecast for the next 3 days including the present day visualized using line charts for,
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Wind speed
- Humidity
- Precipitation
- Chance of rain
- Cloud cover
- Snow
- Visibility
- Dew point
- UV index (bar chart)
- Historical weather trends visualization for the past 2 days with hourly details for
- Temperature
- Precipitation
- Wind direction and speed visualization for the next 3 days on a custom-designed wind rose chart.
- View a random interesting fact about the city searched generated using Gemini AI.
Before running the application,
- Obtain API key from OpenWeatherMap API.
- Obtain API key from WeatherAPI API.
- Obtain API access key from
- Obtain API key from Gemini API.
- Insert your API keys into file at appropriate places in the code and replace with your new registered API keys = "YOUR_...._API_KEY'
- Run the file.
MIT License