resa-git / TD-GEM

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TD-GEM: Text-Driven Garment Editing Mapper


TD-GEM: Text-Driven Garment Editing Mapper
Reza Dadfar, Sanaz Sabzevari, Mårten Björkman, Danica Kragic

Abstract: Language-based fashion image editing allows users to try out variations of desired garments through provided text prompts. Inspired by research on manipulating latent representations in StyleCLIP and HairCLIP, we focus on these latent spaces for editing fashion items of full-body human datasets. Currently, there is a gap in handling fashion image editing due to the complexity of garment shapes and textures and the diversity of human poses. In this paper, we propose an editing optimizer scheme method called TD-GEM, aiming to edit fashion items in a disentangled way. To this end, we initially obtain a latent representation of an image through generative adversarial network inversions such as e4e or PTI for more accurate results. An optimization-based CLIP is then utilized to guide the latent representation of a fashion image in the direction of a target attribute expressed in terms of a text prompt. Our TD-GEM manipulates the image accurately according to the target attribute, while other parts of the image are kept untouched. In the experiments, we evaluate TD-GEM on two different attributes (i.e., “color" and “sleeve length"), which effectively generates realistic images compared to the recent manipulation schemes.


The code is available at github

Getting Started

Setup docker

Linux system

Go to the Docker folder,
docker build -t dockerUserName/styleclip:latest .

on linux system write
sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 --gpus all -v "$(pwd)"/TDGEM:/home/jovyan/work dockerUserName/styleclip:latest /bin/bash
You can drop dockerUserName/ if you create a local image

GAN Inversion

First, please download the PTI weights: into /pti/.

You can change the following paramters:

     first_inv_type = 'w+' -> Use pretrained e4e encoder
     input_data_path: path of real images
e4e: path of
stylegan2_ada_shhq: pretrained stylegan2-ada model for SHHQ


The following models are required in the "styleGAN-Human/pretrained_models" folder:

  • deeplabv3plus-xception-vocNov14_20-51-38_epoch-89.pth
  • model_VSECRWKQFQTY_multi_id.pkl
  • model_VSECRWKQFQTY_multi_id.pth stylegan_human_v2_1024.pth

Please download them from Pre-trained Model

Local Optimizer

Go to the folder OP
The is used to perform image manipulation for an individual file!

 python --image_path "/home/jovyan/work/dataset/ds_200" --base_path "/home/jovyan/work/styleGAN-Human/outputs/ds_200" --results_dir "/home/jovyan/work/results/Op" 

The is a wrapper to run for a folder of images



Go to

cd /home/jovyan/work/StyleClip/StyleCLIP

The train and test options are located at /mapper2/options as and files To run the StyleCLIP please edit the aformentioned files or use the proper arguments. Run the styleCLIP as

python mapper2/scripts/

The results folder can be given as an arguement --exp_dir path_to_result

The following model are required in the "pretrained_models" folder:

  • model_ir_se50.pth
  • stylegan2_1024.pth
  • stylegan_human_v2_1024.pth

Please download them from Pre-trained Model


Go to

cd /home/jovyan/work/TDGEM-main

The train and test options are located at /mapper2/options as and files To run the TDGEM-main training please edit the aformentioned files or use the proper arguments. Run the TDGEM-main training as

python mapper2/scripts/

and inference as

python mapper2/scripts/

The results folder can be given as an arguement --exp_dir path_to_result

The following model are required in the "pretrained_models" folder:

  • deeplabv3plus-xception-vocNov14_20-51-38_epoch-89.pth
  • parsenet.pth
  • stylegan2_1024.pth

Please download them from Pre-trained Model



Language:Python 75.7%Language:Cuda 18.4%Language:C++ 4.8%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%