reqshark / redis-timeseries

Time Series data structure for redis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redis Time-Series Module

Time series data structure for redis.


Using with other tools metrics tools

See Tools directory. Including Integration with:

  1. StatsD, Graphite exports using graphite protocol.
  2. Grafana - using SimpleJson datasource.

Memory model

A time series is a linked list of memory chunks. Each chunk has a predefined size of samples, each sample is a tuple of the time and the value. Each sample is the size of 128bit (64bit for the timestamp and 64bit for the value).


  • Quick inserts (50K samples per sec)
  • Query by start time and end-time
  • Aggregated queries (Min, Max, Avg, Sum, Count, First, Last) for any time bucket
  • Configurable max retention period
  • Compactions/Roll-ups - automatically updated aggregated timeseries


git submodule init
git submodule update
cd src
make all


In your redis-server run: loadmodule

More infomation about modules can be found at redis offical documentation:


Tests are written in python using the rmtest library.

$ cd src
$ pip install -r tests/requirements.txt # optional, use virtualenv
$ make test


TS.create - create a new time-series

TS.CREATE KEY [retentionSecs] [maxSamplesPerChunk]
  • key - key name for timeseries

Optional args:

  • retentionSecs - max age for samples compared to current time (in seconds).
    • Default: 0
    • When set to 0, the series will not be trimmed at all
  • maxSamplesPerChunk - how many samples to keep per memory chunk
    • Default: 360

TS.createrule - create a compaction rule

  • SOURCE_KEY - key name for source time series
  • AGG_TYPE - aggregation type one of the following: avg, sum, min, max, range, count, first, last
  • BUCKET_SIZE_SEC - time bucket for aggregated compaction,
  • DEST_KEY - key name for destination time series

DEST_KEY should be of a timeseries type, and should be created before TS.CREATERULE is called.

Performance Notice: if a compaction rule exits on a timeseries TS.ADD performance might be reduced, the complexity of TS.ADD is always O(M) when M is the amount of compactions rules or O(1).

TS.deleterule - delete a compaction rule

  • SOURCE_KEY - key name for source time series
  • DEST_KEY - key name for destination time series

TS.add - append a new value to the series

  • TIMESTAMP - unix timestamp (in seconds) or * for automatic timestamp (using the system clock)
  • value - sample numeric data value (double)


if a compaction rule exits on a timeseries TS.ADD performance might be reduced, the complexity of TS.ADD is always O(M) when M is the amount of compactions rules or O(1).

TS.range - ranged query

TS.RANGE key FROM_TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP [aggregationType] [bucketSizeSeconds]
1) 1) (integer) 1487426646
   2) "3.6800000000000002"
2) 1) (integer) 1487426648
   2) "3.6200000000000001"
3) 1) (integer) 1487426650
   2) "3.6200000000000001"
4) 1) (integer) 1487426652
   2) "3.6749999999999998"
5) 1) (integer) 1487426654
   2) "3.73"
  • key - key name for timeseries Optional args:
    • aggregationType - one of the following: avg, sum, min, max, count, first, last
    • bucketSizeSeconds - time bucket for aggregation in seconds


TS.RANGE complexity is O(n/m+k)

n = number of data points m = chunk size (data points per chunk) k = number of data points that are in the requested range

This can be improved in the future by using binary search to find the start of the range, which will make this O(Log(n/m)+k*m), but since m is pretty small, we can neglect it and look at the operation as O(Log(n) + k).

Example for aggregated query

ts.range stats_counts.statsd.packets_received 1487527100 1487527133 avg 5
1) 1) (integer) 1487527100
   2) "284.39999999999998"
2) 1) (integer) 1487527105
   2) "281"
3) 1) (integer) 1487527110
   2) "278.80000000000001"
4) 1) (integer) 1487527115
   2) "279.60000000000002"
5) 1) (integer) 1487527120
   2) "215"
6) 1) (integer) 1487527125
   2) "266.80000000000001"
7) 1) (integer) 1487527130
   2) "310.75">

TS.INCRBY/TS.DECRBY - Increment the latest value


This command can be used as a counter/gauge that get automatic history as a time series.

  • key - key name for timeseries Optional args:
    • VALUE - one of the following: avg, sum, min, max, count, first, last
    • RESET - Should the current counter should be resetted when TIME_BUCKET is changes
    • TIME_BUCKET - time bucket for resetting the current counter in seconds - query the series metadata

1) lastTimestamp
2) (integer) 1486289265
3) retentionSecs
4) (integer) 0
5) chunkCount
6) (integer) 139
7) maxSamplesPerChunk
8) (integer) 360


Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause - see LICENSE


Time Series data structure for redis



Language:C 70.8%Language:Python 27.0%Language:Makefile 1.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%