repson / greenlight

This application is a JSON API for retreiving and managing information about movies.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This application is a JSON API for retreiving and managing information about movies. I have built while reading the book Let's Go Further.


  • Go (v1.21)
  • PostgreSQL
  • golang-migrate

Project structure

├── bin
│   └── linux_amd64
├── cmd
│   ├── api
│   └── examples
│       └── cors
│           ├── preflight
│           └── simple
├── internal
│   ├── data
│   ├── mailer
│   │   └── templates
│   ├── validator
│   └── vcs
├── migrations
├── remote
│   ├── production
│   └── setup
└── vendor


  • Add the GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN environment variable to the file .envrc file:
export GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN='postgres://greenlight:password@localhost/greenlight'



$ make
  help                       print this help message
  run/api                    run the cmd/api application
  db/psql                    connect to the database using psql
  db/migration/new name=$1   create a new database migration
  db/migration/down          apply all up database migrations
  audit                      tidy and vendor dependencies and format, vet and test all code
  vendor                     tidy and vendor dependencies
  build/api                  build the cmd/api application
  production/connect         connect to the production server
  production/deploy/api      deploy the api to production

Command line parameters

$ ./bin/api --help
Usage of ./bin/api:
  -cors-trusted-origins value
        Trusted CORS origins (space separated)
  -db-dsn string
        PostgreSQL DSN
  -db-max-idle-conns int
        PostgreSQL max idle connections (default 25)
  -db-max-idle-time duration
        PostgreSQL max connection idle time (default 1m0s)
  -db-max-open-conns int
        PostgreSQL max open connections (default 25)
  -env string
        Environment (development|staging|production) (default "development")
  -limiter-burst int
        Rate limiter maximum burst (default 4)
        Rate limiter enabled
  -limiter-rps float
        Rate limiter maximum requests per second (default 2)
  -port int
        API server port (default 4000)
  -smtp-host string
        SMTP host (default "")
  -smtp-password string
        SMTP password (default "fa91bbd02c005c")
  -smtp-port int
        SMTP port (default 2525)
  -smtp-sender string
        SMTP sender (default "Greenlight <>")
  -smtp-username string
        SMTP username (default "73b9c2eb4e5a64")
        Display version and exit

API Routes

API Endpoints and RESTful Routing:

Method URL Pattern Handler Action
GET /v1/healthcheck healthcheckHandler Show application information
GET /v1/movies listMovieHandler Show the details of all movies
POST /v1/movies createMovieHandler Create a new movie
GET /v1/movies/:id showMovieHandler Show the details of a specific movie
PUT /v1/movies/:id editMovieHandler Update the details of a specific movie
DELETE /v1/movies/:id deleteMovieHandler Delete a specific movie
POST /v1/users registerUserHandler Register a new user
PUT /v1/users/activated activatedUserHandler Activate a specific user
POST /v1/tokens/authentication createAuthenticationTokenHandler Generate a new authentication token
GET /debug/vars expvar.Handler() Display application metrics
POST /v1/tokens/password-reset createPasswordResetTokenHanlder Generate a new password reset token
PUT /v1/users/password updateUserPasswordHandler Update the password for a specific user
POST /v1/tokens/activation createActivationTokenHandler Generate a new activation token


  • Command-line flags
  • Using Makefiles
  • Vendoring
  • Building and optimizing binaries
  • Cross-compilation
  • Automating Version Numbers
  • Sending Emails
  • Emails HTML templates


  • HTTP Router
  • JSON Responses
  • JSON Encoding
  • Formatting and Enveloping Responses
  • CRUD Operations
  • Partial Updates
  • Filtering, sorting and pagination
  • Full-Text Search
  • User Registration
  • User Activation
  • Middleware
  • Metrics

Logging & Errors

  • Managing Error Messages
  • Panic Recovery
  • Managing Bad Requests


  • DB Connection Pool
  • Limiting the Connection Pool
  • SQL Migrations
  • SQL Query Timeouts


  • Restricting Inputs
  • Input Validation
  • IP-based Rate Limiting
  • Grateful Shutdown
  • Secure Activation Tokens
  • Stateful Authentication Token
  • Cross Origin Requests
  • Permission-based Authorization
  • Preflight CORS Requests
  • Quality Controlling Code
  • Data Race Prevention


This application is a JSON API for retreiving and managing information about movies.


Language:Go 89.1%Language:Makefile 5.5%Language:Shell 5.4%