reportportal / agent-java-spock

Spock integration agent for Report Portal

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Video Tutorial for integration of SPOCK on Groovy

Spock on Groovy

ReportPortal integration with Spock instructions

This manual will walk you through the steps for integration of ReportPortal with Spock + Geb based project

Links to documentation for Spock and Geb

This manual provides instructions for ReportPortal integration from scratch. If you want to integrate ReportPortal with existing project, go to step 4

First, make sure you have installed ReportPortal, the installation steps could be found here

We’ll assume that ReportPortal is installed and running on http://localhost:8080

Step 1 - Create new project (Gradle)

1.1 Start new Gradle project

Start new maven project

1.2 Enter GroupId and ArtifactId

Entering groupId and artifactId

1.3 Enter project name

Entering project name

Step 2 - Configure build.gradle file

For convenience, let's add following ext section into our build.gradle file:

ext {
    // The drivers we want to use
    drivers = ["chrome", "firefox", "ie"]

    ext {
        groovyVersion = '2.5.14'
        gebVersion = '4.1'
        seleniumVersion = '3.141.59'

Now we can use the *Version variables in dependencies section. And also we listed the browsers we are going to run tests on

2.1 Add following repositories:

repositories {

2.2 Add following dependencies:

ReportPortal agent implementation for Spock framework

testCompile 'com.epam.reportportal:agent-java-spock:5.2.3'

Selenium support

testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:$seleniumVersion"

Support for dedicated browser driver(s)

testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:$seleniumVersion"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:$seleniumVersion"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-ie-driver:$seleniumVersion"

Groovy and Geb

testCompile "org.gebish:geb-spock:$gebVersion"
testCompile "org.gebish:geb-junit4:$gebVersion"
testCompile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:$groovyVersion"

Spock framework dependency

testCompile ("org.spockframework:spock-core:2.3-groovy-2.5") {
    exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy"

2.3 Add ReportPortal dedicated logger wrapper

ReportPortal provides it's own logger implementation for major logging frameworks like log4j and logback

If you prefer using Logback logging library, add following dependencies:

ReportPortal logback logger dependency

testCompile 'com.epam.reportportal:logger-java-logback:5.2.2'

Up to date version could be found here

The logback itself

compile group: 'ch.qos.logback', name: 'logback-classic', version: '1.3.12'

If you prefer using Log4j logging library, add following dependencies:

ReportPortal log4j logger dependency

testCompile 'com.epam.reportportal:logger-java-log4j:5.2.2'

Up to date version could be found here

The log4j itself

compile group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-api', version: '2.17.2'
compile group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-core', version: '2.17.2'

2.4 Create gradle tasks for tests

Use the following code to make dedicated tasks for each browser type listed in the ext section

drivers.each { driver ->
    task "${driver}Test" (type: Test) {
        reports {
            html.destination = reporting.file ("$name/tests")
            junitXml.destination = file ("$buildDir/test-results/$name")

        outputs.upToDateWhen { false }  // Always run tests

        systemProperty "", reporting.file ("$name/geb")
        systemProperty "geb.env", driver

test {
    dependsOn drivers.collect { tasks["${it}Test"] }
    enabled = false

After adding this code and rebuilding the project, you should see newly added tasks in the gradle toolbar of the IDE: Gradle tasks for each browser

By this moment your build.gradle file should look somewhat like that:


ext {
    // The drivers we want to use
    drivers = ["chrome", "firefox", "ie"]

    ext {
        groovyVersion = '2.5.14'
        gebVersion = '4.1'
        seleniumVersion = '3.141.59'

apply plugin: "groovy"

repositories {

dependencies {
    testCompile 'com.epam.reportportal:agent-java-spock:5.2.3'
    testCompile 'com.epam.reportportal:logger-java-logback:5.2.2'

    testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:$seleniumVersion"
    testCompile "org.gebish:geb-spock:$gebVersion"
    testCompile "org.gebish:geb-junit4:$gebVersion"
    testCompile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:$groovyVersion"

    testCompile ("org.spockframework:spock-core:2.3-groovy-2.5") {
        exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy"

    testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:$seleniumVersion"
    testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:$seleniumVersion"
    testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-ie-driver:$seleniumVersion"

    compile group: 'ch.qos.logback', name: 'logback-classic', version: '1.3.12'

drivers.each { driver ->
    task "${driver}Test" (type: Test) {
        reports {
            html.destination = reporting.file ("$name/tests")
            junitXml.destination = file ("$buildDir/test-results/$name")

        outputs.upToDateWhen { false }  // Always run tests

        systemProperty "", reporting.file ("$name/geb")
        systemProperty "geb.env", driver

test {
    dependsOn drivers.collect { tasks["${it}Test"] }
    enabled = false

Step 3 - Configure Geb

Now we need to configure Geb framework. To do this, add GebConfig.groovy file to the resources folder


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities
import utils.RpScreenshotListener

baseUrl = ""
reportsDir = new File ("target/runtime_reports_dir")

waiting {
    timeout = 20

System.setProperty ("webdriver.gecko.driver", getFullPathToDriver("geckodriver"))
System.setProperty ("", getFullPathToDriver("chromedriver"))
System.setProperty ("", getFullPathToDriver("IEDriverServer"))

environments {

    chrome {
        driver = { new ChromeDriver () }

    firefox = {
        driver = { new FirefoxDriver () }

    ie {
        def capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer ()
        capabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.IE_ENSURE_CLEAN_SESSION, true)
        driver = { new InternetExplorerDriver (capabilities) }

private static boolean isWindows() {
    String os_name = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase()
    return os_name.startsWith("win")

private static String getFullPathToDriver(String driverFileName) {
    String extension = isWindows() ? ".exe" : ""
    def path = "drivers${File.separatorChar}$driverFileName$extension"
    new File(path).absolutePath

Pay attention to baseUrl property - this url Geb will open by default when getting request to open a page

Step 4 - Add ReportPortal appender to logging framework

In order to enable and configure logging, we need to add the appropriate config file to the resources folder, in case of logback library, we should create logback.xml file and add ReportPortal appender there:


   <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
         <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger{5} - %thread - %msg%n</pattern>

   <appender name="ReportPortalAppender" class="com.epam.reportportal.logback.appender.ReportPortalAppender">
         <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level - %msg%n</pattern>

   <root level="DEBUG">
      <appender-ref ref="ReportPortalAppender" />
      <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

Step 5 - Create simple test

In this manual we'll add a small test, which opens "", makes a search and then checks that search results are not empty. We'll use Spock and Geb for this purposes

5.1 Create page object classes (with Geb)

First of all, let's make page objects for Google pages We'll need 2 pages: Google's start page and the search results page:


package page

import geb.Page
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys

class GoogleStartPage extends Page {

    static at = {
        title == "Google"

    static content = {
        searchInput(wait: true) { $ ("input[name='q']") }

    def search(String searchCriteria) {
        searchInput << searchCriteria
        searchInput << Keys.ENTER

        browser.isAt GoogleSearchResultsPage

package page

import geb.Page

class GoogleSearchResultsPage extends Page {

    static at = {
        title.matches(".+ - Google Search")

    static content = {
        searchResultsTitles { $("div.rc h3") }
        searchResultsTitlesCount { searchResultsTitles.size() }
        searchInput(wait: true) { $("input[name='q']") }

5.2 Add the test code

Now let's add the test, following the Spock framework approach


package myTests

import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import page.GoogleStartPage
import spock.lang.Unroll

class GoogleSearchTestSpec extends GebReportingSpec {

    def "Search for 'reportportal' returns more than #resultsCount results"(String searchCriteria, int resultsCount) {
        given: "The user is on Google Start page"
            to GoogleStartPage
        when: "Enter search criteria: $searchCriteria"
        then: "Search results count is greater than $resultsCount"
  "Search results count: $searchResultsTitlesCount")
            searchResultsTitlesCount > resultsCount
            searchCriteria | resultsCount
            'reportportal' | 1

Since we are using groovy, we can benefit from it's features like automatic adding of the log field to the test class during compile time To do this, we only need to add @Slf4j annotation to our tests class GoogleSearchTestSpec and the log field will be added

Step 6 - Configuring ReportPortal

6.1 Open ReportPortal UI

Go to http:$IP_ADDRESS_OF_REPORT_PORTAL:8080 (by default it is http://localhost:8080)

Login as Admin user and create the project (more details here and here)

RP. Add Project

RP. Add Project 2

6.2 Add users to your project:

Go to Administrative -> My Test Project -> Members -> Add user

Example link http://localhost:8080/ui/#administrate/project-details/my_test_project/members

RP. Add user

Step 7 - Link ReportPortal with your tests

Step 7.1 - Add

After you have created new user in your project, you can get file example from the user Profile page

To do that, login as created user and go to User icon in header -> Profile

There, in Configuration Examples section, you can find the example of file for that user

RP. User profile

Returning back to the code. In your project, create file named in resources folder and copy&paste the contents form the user profile page


rp.endpoint = http://localhost:8080
rp.api.key = your_reportportal_api_key
rp.launch = robin_tests
rp.project = my_cool_project
rp.enable = true

More details on file could be found here

By this moment, your project tree should look somewhat like the this:

Project structure

Step 7.2 - Make ReportPortal agent invoked by the tests

Now we need to link ReportPortal agent with our tests, and there are multiple ways for doing that:

For tests based on Spock framework, there is a way to attach listener to the tests via java service loader approach To do this, we need to create the same file structure as in the Spock library:

The Spock framework Global Extensions folder File structure of the spock lib

And we need to replicate the same file structure in resources folder of our project: Replication of the Spock framework Global Extensions folder in resources folder of the project

Replication in the project resources folder

Path to file that should be created in the project:


It's also needed to edit this file and include ReportPortalSpockExtension:


Now the ReportPortal agent is linked to the tests and when the tests are executed, the results should be sent to ReportPortal

Step 8 - Observing test run report

After we linked the ReportPortal agent with Spock and ran the tests, we should be able to see the results in the ReportPortal UI instance

The launch should be found there, with the name matching the value of rp.launch property from your file


RP. Launches

You can also see the test classes and individual test results by clicking on the launch name and going deeper

RP. Test Results

The logs from the test are also shown

Step 9 - Attaching screenshots

In order to make ReportPortal showing the screenshots captured during the test, we need to first capture the screenshot file and then log the bytes of that screenshot with the specific type.

9.1 Capturing the screenshot

Geb comes with screenshot capturing feature out of the box and by default it captures page screenshot if the test fails. To make these screenshots attached to the test report in ReportPortal we need to implement our own listener to intercept the onReport method and send the taken screenshot to ReportPortal

9.2 Logging the screenshot to ReportPortal

To do that, add the following RpScreenshotListener class in test/groovy/utils folder:


package utils

import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j

class RpScreenshotListener implements ReportingListener {

    void onReport(Reporter reporter, ReportState reportState, List<File> reportFiles) {
        if (reporter instanceof ScreenshotReporter) {
            def content = Resources.asByteSource(reportFiles.first().toURI().toURL()).read()

Here we log base64 encoded screenshot bytes with the specific log type RP_MESSAGE

By doing this, the screenshots taken by Geb will also be attached to the ReportPortal test report

official documentation reference for onReport listener

If we want Geb to capture additional screenshots during the test steps (not only during test failures), we can use report() method using the following format:

report "<screenshot heading>"

official documentation reference for report() method

Let's add the screen capture of the Google's start page to our test, using this approach


package myTests

import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import page.GoogleStartPage
import spock.lang.Unroll

class GoogleSearchTestSpec extends GebReportingSpec {

    def "Search for 'reportportal' returns more than #expectedSearchResultsCount results"(String searchCriteria, int expectedSearchResultsCount) {
        given: "The user is on Google Start page"
            to GoogleStartPage
            report " start page" // should make a screenshot here
        when: "Enter search criteria: $searchCriteria"
        then: "Search results count is greater than $expectedSearchResultsCount"
  "Search results count: $searchResultsTitlesCount")
            searchResultsTitlesCount > expectedSearchResultsCount
            searchCriteria | expectedSearchResultsCount
            'reportportal' | 1

Finally, in order to make our listener work, we need to initialize the Geb's screenshot reporting class ScreenshotReporter and also the listener that we've just added - RpScreenshotListener There are multiple places/stages where it can be initialized. One of them is the GebConfig.groovy file, and in this case, the ScreenshotReporter and our RpScreenshotListener will be initialized along with the configuration


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities
import utils.RpScreenshotListener

baseUrl = ""
reportsDir = new File ("target/runtime_reports_dir")

waiting {
    timeout = 20

System.setProperty ("webdriver.gecko.driver", getFullPathToDriver("geckodriver"))
System.setProperty ("", getFullPathToDriver("chromedriver"))
System.setProperty ("", getFullPathToDriver("IEDriverServer"))

environments {

    chrome {
        driver = { new ChromeDriver () }

    firefox = {
        driver = { new FirefoxDriver () }

    ie {
        def capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer ()
        capabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.IE_ENSURE_CLEAN_SESSION, true)
        driver = { new InternetExplorerDriver (capabilities) }

private static boolean isWindows() {
    String os_name = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase()
    return os_name.startsWith("win")

private static String getFullPathToDriver(String driverFileName) {
    String extension = isWindows() ? ".exe" : ""
    def path = "drivers${File.separatorChar}$driverFileName$extension"
    new File(path).absolutePath

reporter = new ScreenshotReporter()
reportingListener = new RpScreenshotListener()

Now we should be able to see the screenshot of the page after opening Google's start page and also in case of the test failure

Attached screenshot to the ReportPortal logs

Opened screenshot from the ReportPortal logs


Spock integration agent for Report Portal

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 88.2%Language:Groovy 11.6%Language:Shell 0.2%