repl-acement / editors

provide upgraded replacements for Clojure editor infrastructure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A code environment written in Clojure with a persistent, durable graph of the AST as a first class citizen.

The project will employ a reasonably standard architecture of Clojure projects in 2022:

  • Browser CLJS SPA for a rich UI
  • Web sockets for high-speed async comms
  • Clojure JVM Server for heavy duty, multi-threaded processing
  • Immutable DB for long term storage


Back in 2012, Rich Hickey used Datomic to write codeq which imported the Clojure git repository. On the blog post, which is well worth re-reading, he asserts that:

The resulting database is highly programmable, and can serve as infrastructure for editors, IDEs, code browsing, analysis and documentation tools.

The blog post walks through a practical, motivating example of how the database can provide a valuable semantic layer over specific repos to provide a whole program view.

The codeq project was never brought to maturity and the project WIKI explains some future work esp, importing dependencies.


We are following the spirit of the original codeq project with a complete representation of the code as data in a graph.

It's not stored as text nor in files and directories. Instead, it is stored in graph DB. Options include Asami and XTDB among others.

Identity and value

Each named var (ns, def, defn, etc...) will be assigned an identity so that they can be tracked across time in the immutable DB.

Values will be hashed recursively for trivial equality tests at and below the ns level.


Fine grained code evolution

Vars can be directly identified and tracked as they evolve.

The speed of processing now available on laptops and servers means that we can track evolution per save rather than an arbitrary PR unit. Integration can be continuous and continuously monitored for conflicts.

Maybe, we finally have a form of continuous surveillance that we can all get behind.

Instant refactor

As functions are renamed, all usages are updated. No special actions or concerns.

Semantic diffs

As functions evolve, view the changes from a structured, semantic perspective rather than via line numbers.

Code changes, viewed through this lens, are much simpler to evaluate:

  • have the number of parameters changed?
  • have the number of arities changed?
  • has the name changed?

Whole system time scrubbers

The whole system can be scrubbed forward or backward in time. This is impossible with existing environments - they either work on individual files, buffers or specific git repos.

ns / var time scrubbers

Specific ns or vars can be scrubbed forward or backward in time.

REPL system

The system REPL evaluates clojure.core and the project nses in the appropriate order on startup.

Particular nses or forms can evaluated instantly.

Code / data round trip pipelines

To enable additional tracing, analysis or other behavioural changes, the code can be passed through and transformed by code / data round trip pipelines.

Additional tooling can be added in the UI to reduce the amount of labour needed to manage transformations.


At the edge of the system, ns data can be [de-]serialized between text / files for interoperability.

Eventually this will be needed to broaden adoption.

If you listen to Russell McQueeney, and you really should, depending on how you view the world, files are serialized from graph objects in git so it may be possible to directly map this tools graph into the git representation. In this case, text would not be needed.


Further information to justify the approach is in the background document


provide upgraded replacements for Clojure editor infrastructure