renyuneyun / dtou-lang

Data Terms of Use language reasoner implementation

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comrenyuneyun/dtou-langRepository from Github https://github.comrenyuneyun/dtou-lang

Data Terms of Use Reaoner

Uses EYE reasoner. Encoded as N3 -- both the policy, and the rules. Uses RDF Surfaces for expressing first-order formula.


The followig files are the core reasoner implementations:

  • dtou-lang-general.n3s: The general reasoning rules not specifically for DToU (e.g. rdfs:subClassOf)
  • dtou-lang.n3s: The axioms for DToU language, but not for the reasoning (conformance checking, etc)
  • dtou-lang-reasoning.n3s: The axioms for DToU reasoning

To perform reasoning, load the above files together with the policy set (and your query). We have provided example policy sets and queries:

  • dtou-policy-*.n3s: The example policies
  • dtou.n3s: Example queries inherited from testing


Data Terms of Use language reasoner implementation