renankalfa / renankalfa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome to my portfolio of projects and studies!

Data Science Projects:

Kalf's Company (in progress)

  • Business Problem: Kalf's is a fictitious company. As a data scientist, my goal is to generate value in six departments of this company through data;
  • Project: Kalf's Company.

Data Analysis Projects:

Dashboard das Redes de Atendimento

  • General ideia: criar um dashboard com as redes de atendimento à mulher que estão presentes no Distrito Federal/Brasil.
  • Project: Da Cartilha em PDF ao Dashboard.

House Rocket

  • Business Problem: House Rocket have a business model is based on the purchase and sale of properties. As a data scientist, my mission is to validate business hypotheses and recommend the purchase of properties based on criteria, as well as set the sale price and profit;
  • Project: House Rocket.

PNS ao Dashboard (em progresso)

  • General idea: criar vários dashboards a partir dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde;
  • Project: Dashboards com a PNS 2019.

Python Projects:

Geradores de Relatórios

Customizable Menu

  • General idea: a terminal menu that has three functions (look at the database, add data and close the program) and is customizable in its style, name, data types and the name of the database;
  • Project: Menu Personalizável pelo usuário em Python.

Cep Code Query with API

  • General ideia: It is a simple project, in which the user enters a zip code, the program validates it, consumes an API and returns some information such as the address and locality/UF;
  • Project: Consulta de informações do endereço com API.
