remithomas / reason-react-navigation

ReasonML / BuckleScript bindings for React Navigation

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ReasonML / BuckleScript bindings for react-navigation.

Exposed as ReactNavigation module.

reason-react-navigation X.y._ means it's compatible with react-navigation X.y._


⚠️ Work in progress. These bindings are used successfully in several apps, but are not complete yet and still subject to change.


An example project is available at navigation-example.


When react-navigation is properly installed & configured by following their installation instructions, you can install the bindings:

npm install reason-react-navigation
# or
yarn add reason-react-navigation

reason-react-navigation should be added to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json. Something like

  "bs-dependencies": [
    // ...
+    "reason-react-navigation"


A screen component with dynamic navigation options (

open ReactNative;
open ReactNavigation;

let make = (~navigation, ~screenProps) => {
  <Text> {React.string("Hello world!")} </Text>;

make->NavigationOptions.setDynamicNavigationOptions(params => {
  let navigation = params##navigation;
  let navigationOptions = params##navigationOptions;
  let screenProps = params##screenProps;

  /* More properties can be set dynamically based on navigation, navigationOptions or screenProps. */
  NavigationOptions.t(~title="Screen 1", ~headerTintColor="red", ());

A stack navigator containing this screen (

open ReactNavigation;

let routes = {
  "Screen1": Screen1.make,
  "Screen2": Screen2.make,
  "Screen3": Screen3.make,

let navigator = StackNavigator.make(routes);

  NavigationOptions.t(~gesturesEnabled=false, ()),

The main React component of the app (

open ReactNavigation;

module MyAppContainer =
    type screenProps = {. "someProp": int};
    let navigator = MyStackNavigator.navigator;

let make = () => {
  let screenProps = {"someProp": 42};

  <MyAppContainer screenProps />;

Alternatively (without a functor, but using React.createElement):

open ReactNavigation;

let appContainer = AppContainer.makeAppContainer(MyStackNavigator.navigator);

let make = () => {
  let screenProps = {"someProp": 42};

    AppContainer.makeProps(~screenProps, ()),


Check the changelog for more informations about recent releases.


Read the contribution guidelines before contributing.

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We want this community to be friendly and respectful to each other. Please read our full code of conduct so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.


ReasonML / BuckleScript bindings for React Navigation

License:MIT License


Language:Reason 88.7%Language:JavaScript 11.3%