remcohaszing / eslint-config-remcohaszing

A strict ESLint configuration

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A strict ESLint configuration

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This is a strict shareable ESLint configuration. All ESLint core rules and a variety of ESLint plugins have been carefully considered. Overrides are used to apply rules based on context.

Table of Contents


Install eslint-config-remcohaszing using npm.

npm install --save-dev \
  eslint \
  eslint-config-remcohaszing \


First configure Prettier. For example, create a .editorconfig with the following content:

root = true

charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 2
indent_style = space
insert_final_newline = true
max_line_length = 100
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

And create a .prettierrc.yaml with the following content:

proseWrap: always
singleQuote: true
trailingComma: all

The configuration may be tweaked to your liking. Beware eslint-config-remcohaszing bases some rule configurations on the Prettier configuration, but doesn’t support overrides.

Next, create .eslintrc.yaml with the following content:

root: true
  - remcohaszing


Most ESLint settings are tweaked to have a proper default. There is one setting that needs to be configured if your project uses a build process and provides an executable command: node.convertPath. See n/no-unpublished-import for details.

        - 'src/(.+?)\.tsx?$'
        - dist/$1.js


This configuration enabled ESLint for TypeScript automatically.

Some rules from @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin require TypeScript type checking features to be enabled. Unfortunately, this makes ESLint slow. Enabling these rules is recommended for small projects only. To enable this, add the following to .eslintrc.yaml:

root: true
  - remcohaszing
  - remcohaszing/typechecking

This sets the project configuration to tsconfig.json. To change it, see @typescript-eslint/parser


JSX syntax is supported by default in .jsx and .tsx files. This requires some additional dependencies to be installed:

npm install --save-dev \
  eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y \

The pragma is set to h by default.

React / Preact

For React and Preact some special configurations are recommended.

An additional dependency is required:

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-react-hooks

The configurations can be applied by extending remcohaszing/react or remcohaszing/preact respectively. The extends may be on the top level of the ESLint configuration or in an override.

React example:

root: true
  - remcohaszing
  - files:
      - 'src/**'
      - remcohaszing/react

Preact example:

root: true
  - remcohaszing
  - files:
      - 'src/**'
      - remcohaszing/preact


Code blocks in Markdown are linted by default using eslint-plugin-markdown.

prettier/prettier is disabled, because it doesn’t play nice with eslint-plugin-markdown.

The type checking rules from @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin don’t work with eslint-plugin-markdown. To work around this, tag TypeScript code blocks with typescript, not ts or tsx.

Other rules have been turned off, because these rules may conflict with the purpose of the documentation.

To not lint Markdown files, ignore them.

  - '*.md'

Ignored files

By default ESLint ignores node_modules/ and all dotfiles. This ESLint configuration unignores dotfiles and passes the patterns from .gitignore to ESLint in addition to those in .eslintignore. Typically this means you won’t need a .eslintignore file.


All ESLint that are turned on will trigger error, not warnings. The notable exceptions are the following rules:

  • import/no-deprecated
  • react/no-deprecated

This is to allow a smooth migration if a dependency decides to deprecate an API. To turn make warnings cause ESLint to exit with exit code 1, run:

eslint --max-warnings 0 .


MIT © Remco Haszing


A strict ESLint configuration

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%