rembik / ansible-letsencrypt-example

Ansible: Let's Encrypt LAN example

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Ansible: Let's Encrypt LAN example

Uses Ansible Role: Let's Encrypt private networks to:

  • Setup Let's Encrypt ACME client on local Debian/Ubuntu Linux server and sign/renew certificates.
  • Deploy them to local Linux or Windows proxy-/webservers:,, and
  • Automate certificate cycle on local Debian/Ubuntu Linux server as Ansible Control Machine.


Pre-setup check

  • Make sure all Windows servers are pre-configured for remote management with Ansible (Wiki).
  • Make sure Sophos UTM is pre-configured for Ansible Role: Let's Encrypt (Wiki).
  • Make sure Windows Server which running Spiceworks Network Monitor is pre-configured (Wiki).


$ sudo su
mkdir /opt/letsencrypt
cd /opt/letsencrypt
mkdir certs
chmod 0700 certs
git clone --recursive provision
cd provision

After getting repository and setting local certificate-exchange directory, create a file which contains your Ansible vault password and create an vault file for every needed vars file (Docs).

$ touch .vault
chmod 0600 .vault
$ ansible-vault create /host_vars/control_example_com/vault
$ ansible vault create ...

Run the playbook to setup the Let's Encrypt ACME clients and sign/renew all certificates:

$ ansible-playbook letsencrypt.yml --vault-password-file .vault -t setup,certificate

Now initial import the certificates which should be deployed to Sophos UTM and get there needed references ref and ref_ca (see Wiki). Finally, when the config of all the inventory files is completed, run the certificate deployment process with the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook letsencrypt.yml --vault-password-file .vault -t deploy

After initial plays the automated certificate cycle for your private network is finished.


See ansible-letsencrypt-example Wiki for troubleshooting.


Ansible: Let's Encrypt LAN example