rej696 / trains-with-ada

Make with ada code for model railway signalling system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trains with Ada

Make With Ada repository for a model railway signalling system

Competition now called Ada/SPARK Crate Of The Year


The project includes a python script which runs docker commands.

Running the Script

There are various options that are explained if you run python3 --help.

Building Firmware

python3 -b will build a firmware.uf2 file ready to be flashed to the pico, and place it at the top of the project directory structure.

You can then drag and drop the firmware onto the pi pico

Running Spark Prover

python3 -p <filename> will run gnatprove on the given file. If no filename is stated, this defaults to main.adb.


Outputs from building and proving the project with the python runner tool are stored in the logs directory.

These logs are overwritten each time the appropriate command is run.

You can show the contents of the log in your terminal using the -l option

python3 -l


To create tests, write test code in the Harness/tests/ directory

This project can call functions, packages and procedures from the Trains_With_Ada project.

To build the test harness Pico Firmware run

python3 -t

This wil create a test_firmware.uf2 file that can be loaded onto the Pico.

The output of the tests are sent as strings using the Send_String and Echo procedures using the UART interface on GPIO pins 16 (TX) and 17 (RX).

You can read these output strings using a second Raspberry Pi Pico that has the Pico UART-USB bridge Firmware firmware installed.

This "Bridge Pico" must be connected to a Computer via USB that has a Serial console installed, such as Minicom or PuTTY

The "Test Pico" must be connected to the "Bridge Pico" as follows:

Test Pico Bridge Pico
GPIO 16 (TX) GPIO 1 (RX)
GPIO 17 (RX) GPIO 0 (TX)

Pico Pinout Diagram

Pico Pinout Diagram


Install your favourite text editor/IDE. If you wish to use GNATStudio, see the GNATCommunity and Alire section

Install Docker

You will need docker installed on your machine to build the Raspberry Pi Pico firmware from the Ada project.

For full instructions regarding the installation of docker, see the Docker Getting Started Guide

You will also need at least 15GB of space for the completed docker image/containers

Install Python3

If you wish to use the python tool, you will need python3 installed locally.

If you are using linux, you can install python3 using your package manager

apt install python3

Alternatively, you can download and install it from the python website

GNATCommunity and Alire (OPTIONAL)

You can install GNATStudio on your local machine if you wish to use it as an IDE for writing your SPARK/Ada code. To use GNATStudio with the project, you will also need to install Alire.

Alire is a package manager for Ada/SPARK, and we need it installed to include the Pico_BSP libraries we use.

Note that if you are using another IDE/Text editor, like VSCode or Vim, you do not need to install GNAT Community or Alire; all the commands use docker containers.


For Mac and Linux there are install scripts for setting up GNAT Community and Alire (in addition to the rest of the toolchain) in the setup directory.

bash /setup/

Alternatively, you can download GNAT Community and Alire from the AdaCore Website and the Alire Website.

Both of these include comprehensive installation instructions.


Docker tips

docker images                           // list images either built locally or pulled from docker hub
docker container ls                     // list running containers
docker container ls -a                  // list all containers
docker container start <container name> // start a stopped container
docker container stop <container name>  // stop a running container
docker inspect <container name>         // view configuration information about a container
docker conatiner prune                  // remove unused containers



Make with ada code for model railway signalling system


Language:Python 47.8%Language:Shell 26.6%Language:Ada 14.8%Language:Dockerfile 10.8%