reinseth / automock

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automock for RequireJS and Jasmine

This is a support library for testing RequireJS modules with Jasmine. It is in early stages, and many things are yet to be formalised.

Current limitations:

  • Require modules are expected use the implicit "require" to get dependencies (commonjs-style):
    define(function(require) {
      var dependency = require("path/to/dependency");
      return {
        // ...
  • All sources must be preloaded for the tests (because of the previous limitation)
  • Automocking of constructor functions (i.e. classes) and static properties on functions (e.g. $.ajax) is not implemented.
  • No support for multiple contexts

There are, however, plans for all of these limitations.

For other libraries, check out:


// src/scripts/A.js
define(function() {
  return {
    // (...)

// src/scripts/B.js
define(function(require) {
  var A = require("A");
  return {
    // (...)

// test/specs/BSpec.js
describe("B", function() {
  var B;
  beforeEach(function() {
    B = autoMock("B");
  it("does stuff", function() {
    when(getMockFor("A").getSomething).thenReturn("some stuff");
    var result = B.doStuff();
    expect(result).toEqual("some stuff");

// Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // NPM-deps: grunt-contrib-jasmine and grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs

    jasmine: {
      test: {
        src: ['src/scripts/**/*.js'],
        options: {
          template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs')
          helpers: ['test/helpers/autoMock.js'], // will be loaded before require.js when declared as a helper - this is important!
          specs: ['test/specs/**/*.js']



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