rehno-lindeque / nixpkgs-shim-images

NixOS modules to build images for different kinds of media

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NixOS images

built with nix

NixOS modules that help for building custom images for different kinds of media.

Important: This package isn't intended to be used by itself. If you are just trying to build a regular NixOS installer image, it's probably more productive to build one directly from nixpkgs.

Some resources that might help with this:


Includes image modules defined in nixpkgs:

You may wish to combine this with the NixOS profiles defined in


Most modules are slightly modified in order to include an enable option which defaults to false.


I'm not too interested in maintaining this repo for the long term. If others do find this useful, I would suggest we contribute back to mainline nixpkgs or otherwise I'd also welcome transferring ownership to nix-community.


NixOS modules to build images for different kinds of media


Language:Nix 100.0%