rehmi / BottleNode

An interactive network node for immersive experiences built around an ESP32S3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An interactive network node for immersive experiences built around a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32-S3

This repository contains the design and code for the BottleNode project. The project is structured into two main directories:

  • AllInOne_test: This directory contains an Arduino program to test the BottleNode hardware. You will want to install the following Arduino libraries using the Library Manager (Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...):

    • Adafruit NeoPixel (by Adafruit)
    • LiteLED (by Xylopyrographer)
    • OSC (by Adrian Freed)
    • WS2812FX (by Harm Aldick)
  • The program also depends on the ESP32-audioI2S library, which you can install in the Arduino IDE by following these steps:

    1. Download the latest release as a .zip from the repo Releases page (link)
    2. Click on Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library... to add the library to your environment.
  • hw/BottleNode: This directory contains the KiCAD project and associated files for the hardware design of the BottleNode. It includes 3D renderings of the board as PNG images and a PDF schematic of the board. You can view the schematic here.

    Renderings of the top and bottom of the PCB:

    Top of PCB Bottom of PCB


An interactive network node for immersive experiences built around an ESP32S3

License:MIT License


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