rehanift / briefs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Product Managers need to iteratively and incrementally document new feature sets. As the lifecycle of the feature set evolves the corresponding documentation must also evolve. For example, early in the lifecyle of a feature set, Development may provide feedback which could alter the the scope of the new feature set.
  • Product Managers need to circulate new feature set documentation to multiple audiences, for example: Development, Marketing, Documentation, and Support.
    • Each audience requires additional information which may not be relevant or appropriate for all audiences. For example, Support does not need to know how the new feature set compares with competitors.
  • Depending on the maturity of the feature set, the medium for sharing with other audiences may vary. For example, early in the feature set’s lifecycle, a presentation with Development is more effective than a Word Document. On the other hand, an immutable PDF may be more appropriate later in the feature set’s lifecycle when communicating with Marketing via email.
  • Managing multiple documents in multiple formats for multiple audiences for the duration of a feature set’s lifecycle creates an uneccessary overhead.
  • Feature set documentation should be tracked with proper version control where changes can be viewed across versions.


  • A PM can create a single document which contains all information (Development decisions, usage details, pricing information, competitive analysis, etc.) for a new feature set. Sections with specific information can be tagged accordingly.
  • A PM can render the single document which only includes specific sections for a given audience.
  • A PM can render the single document into various formats (PDF, Presentation, HTML, Doc).
  • A PM can track their documents in Git and see accurate and meaninful diffs between commits.



  • Emacs 24
  • Org-mode 8
  • org-reveal
  • LibreOffice
  • Git



Create new brief

# Create new brief
briefs create (--title ["title"]) [filename]

Creates a new brief document. The file is a .org file with a default export template.

  • filename is the name of the new file to create. It must end in an .org extension.
  • --title ["title"] is the title to use for the exported artifact

Render a brief

# Render a new brief
briefs render (--format [format]) (--scope [scope]) (--hide-toc) [file]

Renders a brief document of the desired scope to the desired format.

The resulting file(s) are exported to ./exports/ directory.

Scopes include:

  • full: (Default) All sections with any tag are rendered.
  • development: All sections without any tags and those with development, details and future tags are rendered
  • marketing: All sections without tags and those with marketing and details, and future tags are rendered
  • support: All sections without tags and those with details tags are rendered
  • documentation: All sections without tags and those with details tags are rendered
  • public: All sections without tags and those with details tags are rendered

Formats include:

  • pdf: (Default) First creates an ODT export then creates a PDF
  • html: Creates an HTML export
  • presentation: Uses org-reveal to create a reveal.js HTML5 presentation. This export creates a new directory in the export directory with the name [filename]-presentation with all dependent files (HTML, JS, CSS).
  • doc: First creates an ODT export then creates a docx file.
  • odt: Creates an ODT export
  • txt: Creates a TXT export
  • md: Creates a GitHub Flavored Markdown export



Language:JavaScript 61.4%Language:CSS 37.3%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.3%