regnaio / udp-ws

UDP version of WebSocket for client-server communication

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



“I feel what is needed is an UDP version of WebSockets. That’s all I wish we had.” - Matheus Valadares, creator of

WebSocket is built on TCP. However, UDP is much preferred over TCP for networking in realtime multiplayer games. Refer to the awesome visualizations in Gaffer On Games: Deterministic Lockstep to see why.

udp-ws is a UDP version of WebSocket built on WebRTC, which allows peer-to-peer UDP communication in the browser. However, udp-ws is designed for client-server communication (e.g. for server-authoritative browser games), not for peer-to-peer communication. udp-ws accomplishes this by treating your server as a peer.

udp-ws is inspired by and includes code snippets from by yandeu and node-webrtc-examples.


1. examples/barebones/ - Barebones example of

Client (resembles WebSocket):

const ws = new UDPWebSocket('ws://localhost:3000');

ws.onmessage = ev => {

setInterval(() => {
    if (ws.readyState === 'open') {
        ws.send('client says hi');
}, 1000);

Server (resembles ws):

const wss = new UDPWebSocketServer(3000);

wss.on('connection', ws => {
    ws.on('message', data => {
        if (ws.readyState === 'open') {
            ws.send('server says hi');

In examples/barebones/server/, run npm i followed by npm run launch, and see the client-server example running in localhost. Observe the output in your console log (e.g. using Ctrl + Shift + I in Windows Chrome).

2. examples/handler/ - Handling WebSocket life cycle, messaging, and event callbacks using

Structure of packet: object conforming to JSON.stringify and JSON.parse:

    event: 'string representing event',
    data: { arbitrary object representing data }


(async () => {
    // WebSocketType.TCP for WebSocket, WebSocketType.UDP for UDPWebSocket
    const webSocketHandler = new WebSocketHandler('ws://localhost:3000', WebSocketType.UDP);

    webSocketHandler.bind('ServerResponseEvent', data => {

    try {
        await webSocketHandler.connect();

        // Code that must be executed only after the WebSocket is open
        setInterval(() => {
                event: 'ClientMessageEvent',
                data: {
                    message: 'client says hi'
        }, 1000);
    } catch (err) {
        throw err;


// WebSocketType.TCP for WebSocket, WebSocketType.UDP for UDPWebSocket
const webSocketServerHandler = new WebSocketServerHandler(3000, WebSocketType.UDP);

webSocketServerHandler.bind('ClientMessageEvent', (iws, data) => {
    webSocketServerHandler.send(iws, {
        event: 'ServerResponseEvent',
        data: {
            reply: 'server says hi'

In examples/handler/server/, run npm i followed by npm run launch.

3. examples/binaryHandler/ - Handling WebSocket life cycle, binary messaging, and event callbacks using

Structure of packet: ArrayBuffer with leading Uint8 byte representing the event (thus 2^8 = 256 maximum handled events unless Uint8 is replaced with something greater, e.g. Uint16) followed by an arbitrary number of bytes representing the data



import { NUM_BYTES_UINT8, NUM_BYTES_FLOAT64, NUM_BYTES_CHAR, writeStringToBuffer, bufferToString } from './binaryTools';

// Uint8 representing event (NumberEvent = 0, StringEvent = 1),
// which is the first byte of each packet sent and received
enum WebSocketEvent {
    NumberEvent = 0,

(async () => {
    // WebSocketType.TCP for WebSocket, WebSocketType.UDP for UDPWebSocket
    const webSocketHandler = new BinaryWebSocketHandler('ws://localhost:3000', WebSocketType.UDP);

    webSocketHandler.bind(WebSocketEvent.NumberEvent, buffer => {
        const view = new DataView(buffer);
        // read Float64 after first byte representing event

    webSocketHandler.bind(WebSocketEvent.StringEvent, buffer => {
        // read string after first byte representing event

    try {
        await webSocketHandler.connect();
        // Code that must be executed only after the WebSocket is open
        setInterval(() => {
            const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(NUM_BYTES_UINT8 + NUM_BYTES_FLOAT64);
            const view = new DataView(buffer);
            // set first byte representing event
            view.setUint8(0, WebSocketEvent.NumberEvent);
            // set Float64 after first byte
            view.setFloat64(NUM_BYTES_UINT8, 12345.6789);
        }, 1000);

        setInterval(() => {
            // 14 characters needed for 'client says hi'
            const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(NUM_BYTES_UINT8 + NUM_BYTES_CHAR * 14);
            const view = new DataView(buffer);
            // set first byte representing event
            view.setUint8(0, WebSocketEvent.StringEvent);
            // set string after first byte
            writeStringToBuffer('client says hi', buffer, NUM_BYTES_UINT8);
        }, 1000);
    } catch (err) {
        throw err;


import { NUM_BYTES_UINT8, NUM_BYTES_FLOAT64, NUM_BYTES_CHAR, writeStringToBuffer, bufferToString } from './binaryTools';

enum WebSocketEvent {
    NumberEvent = 0,

// WebSocketType.TCP for WebSocket, WebSocketType.UDP for UDPWebSocket
const webSocketServerHandler = new BinaryWebSocketServerHandler(3000, WebSocketType.UDP);

webSocketServerHandler.bind(WebSocketEvent.NumberEvent, (iws, buffer) => {
    const inView = new DataView(buffer);

    const outBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(NUM_BYTES_UINT8 + NUM_BYTES_FLOAT64);
    const outView = new DataView(outBuffer);
    outView.setUint8(0, WebSocketEvent.NumberEvent);
    outView.setFloat64(NUM_BYTES_UINT8, 9876.54321);
    webSocketServerHandler.send(iws, outBuffer);

webSocketServerHandler.bind(WebSocketEvent.StringEvent, (iws, buffer) => {

    const outBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(NUM_BYTES_UINT8 + NUM_BYTES_CHAR * 14);
    const outView = new DataView(outBuffer);
    outView.setUint8(0, WebSocketEvent.StringEvent);
    writeStringToBuffer('server says hi', outBuffer, NUM_BYTES_UINT8);
    webSocketServerHandler.send(iws, outBuffer);

In examples/binaryHandler/server/, run npm i followed by npm run launch.


  • Install node and npm
  • Install TypeScript
    • npm i -g typescript
  • Install webpack
    • npm i -g webpack
  • Install webpack-cli
    • npm i -g webpack-cli

Run npm i in examples/<name of example>/server/ to install all npm packages for all required folders (via postinstall).

You can then run npm run launch in examples/<name of example>/server/, as mentioned above.


Before deploying to production, provision your own dedicated ICE/STUN servers and add them to iceServers.ts. By default, STUN servers by Google are included for development:

export const iceServers: RTCIceServer[] = [
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '' }

Repository Structure

src/ contains the library source code

  • src/
    • client/
      • ts/ contains client-side UDPWebSocket.ts and WebSocketHandler.ts
    • server/
      • ts/ contains server-side UDPWebSocketServer.ts and WebSocketServerHandler.ts

If you want Javascript sources, in src/, run npm run build to compile TypeScript to Javascript in src/client/js/ and src/server/js/. Feel free to use webpack or rollup for browser compatibility (on the client side) and/or minification.

examples/ contains examples using the library source code

  • examples/
    • barebones/
      • client/
        • ts/ contains a client-side example using UDPWebSocket.ts
      • server/
        • ts/ contains a server-side example using UDPWebSocketServer.ts
    • handler/
      • client/
        • ts/ contains a client-side example using WebSocketHandler.ts
      • server/
        • ts/ contains a server-side example using WebSocketServerHandler.ts
    • binaryHandler/
      • client/
        • ts/ contains a client-side example using BinaryWebSocketHandler.ts
      • server/
        • ts/ contains a server-side example using BinaryWebSocketServerHandler.ts



UDP version of WebSocket for client-server communication


Language:JavaScript 53.4%Language:TypeScript 46.6%