regishideki / kotlin-spring-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple example using Kotlin and Sprinng

Running locally

docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Running in Kubernetes

Building image. It is also possible to build with docker only but you need to provide the image name

bash -c "docker build -t regishattori/kotlin-spring-example:$TAG ."

Testing if your image is working.

bash -c "docker run -p 80:8080 $(docker images | grep kotlin-spring-example | grep $TAG | awk '{print $3}')"
// in another shell
curl http://localhost/health

Pushing image to Docker Hub

bash -c "docker push regishattori/kotlin-spring-example:$TAG"

Making sure Minikube is runnning

minikube start

Changing image tag in deployments: cp -a deploy/deployment.yaml deploy/deployment-tmp.yaml bash -c "sed "s/kotlin-spring-example:.*/kotlin-spring-example:$TAG/g" deploy/deployment-tmp.yaml" > deploy/deployment.yaml rm deploy/deployment-tmp.yaml

Running deployment

kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml --record

Analysing the deployment

kubectl rollout status deployment kotlin-spring-example-deployment
kubectl get pod

Showing ingresses

kubectl get ingress | grep kotlin-spring-example-ingress

Configuring /etc/hosts (only the first time)

export host=$(kubectl get ingress | grep kotlin-spring-example-ingress | awk '{print $3}')
export address=$(kubectl get ingress | grep kotlin-spring-example-ingress | awk '{print $4}')
sudo sh -c "echo \"$address $host\" >> /etc/hosts"

Acessing the endpoint in Kubernets:

curl $host/health


Listing pods

kubectl get pod

Showing pod logs

kubectl logs {pod-name}

Describing ingres

kubectl describe ingress kotlin-spring-example-ingress

Deleting everything

kubectl delete all --all && kubectl delete ingress kotlin-spring-example-ingress



Language:Kotlin 60.8%Language:Dockerfile 28.5%Language:Shell 10.8%