refack / cmd-call-graph

A simple tool to generate a call graph for Windows CMD (batch) files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple tool to generate a call graph for Windows CMD (batch) files.

It takes the input file as stdin and outputs the resulting file to stdout, outputting logs and errors to stderr.

Usage example from WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):

$ python3 < your-file.cmd > 2>log

The resulting dot file can be rendered with any dot renderer. Example with graphviz:

$ sudo apt install graphviz
$ dot -Tpng > your-file-call-graph.png
$ explorer.exe your-file-call-graph.png


Here is an example CMD script:

@echo off
call :foo
goto :eof
echo "in bar"
call :baz
call :baz
echo "in baz"
echo "In foo"
goto :bar

This script would generate the following graph:

call graph

If the --show-all-calls option is set to True, then the following graph would be generated:

call graph showall


Sometimes legacy code bases may contain old CMD files. This tool allows to generate a visual representation of the internal calls within the script.


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A simple tool to generate a call graph for Windows CMD (batch) files.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%