I occasionally need access to files or messages from my personal Google accounts at work.
- Work computer is not mine.
- Don't want my personal Chrome profile and account credentials written to disk and accessible by another user.
- Tired of signing into Chrome Incognito tabs all the time.
- Tired of this shit.
Scripts for Greasemonkey and for other browsers that support userscripts.
A collection of useful scripts.
Check the archive for the original of the BS filter, published 2011-12-22.
Adds a tab to the top tabmenu called "view images" that expands links to images. Special thanks to drowsap & Richard Lainchbury from which this script was adapted. Good alternative to Reddit Enhancement Suite. Best combined with autopager. - Source - Archive.org
A custom block-list of malvertisers and malicious servers, known as FAGBS. Often confused with the FAGBL for Steam Games.