reefland / host-check

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Passphrase Host Check

This BASH script is intended to check if remote hosts are waiting at a passphrase prompt to unlock encrypted volumes at boot which are exposed via an SSH daemon such as Dropbear. This script will parse potential prompts and enter the passphrase to allow the remote boot to progress.

Tested Against Remotes Using

  • Ubuntu using Encrypted ZFS on Root with passphrase using Dropbear (boot and root pool method)
  • Ubuntu using Encrypted ZFS on Root with ZFS Boot Menu using Dropbear (single root pool method)


  • Scan a single remote host or predefined list of remote hosts
  • Multiple SSH ports can be checked (for people who don't like using 22) - if SSH is available, then host is healthy and not at passphrase prompt.
  • Multiple Dropbear SSH ports can be checked
  • Easily customized notification on results of passphrase (mailx, slack webhook, etc)
  • Customizable steps to take upon Dropbear passphrase failure


  • You will need unlock-<hostname> script naming convention for your remote hosts. These are easily defined within your ~/.ssh/config file such as:

    Host unlock-testlinux
      IdentityFile /home/someuser/.ssh/dropbear_ed25519
      user root
      IdentitiesOnly yes
      Port 222
      RequestTTY yes
      RemoteCommand zfsbootmenu
    • Host-Check BASH script only cares about the Host unlock-<hostname> line, the rest is just however you normally connect to the remote Dropbear to enter a passphrase.

The following packages are required to be installed:

  • expect - this does the text parsing of SSH prompts and enters the provided passphrase.
  • nc - is used to detect if remote SSH ports are opened.
  • curl - used to send webhook notifications.
  • strings - used to filter non-printable characters when --debug mode is enabled


Configuration is defined via an external configuration file.

  • The default location is: $HOME/.config/host-check/host-check.conf
    • An alternate file can be specified with the --config parameter

Example Configuration File

# Define array of hostnames to loop over:
hostnames=("k3s01" "k3s02" "k3s03" "k3s04" "k3s05" "k3s06")

# Passphrase to unlock remote dropbear volumes (Use single quotes!) 

# Webhook Notifications used in __send_notification() subroutine

# Define array of possible SSH ports to check:

# Define array of possible Dropbear ports to check:
dropbear_ports=("222" "2222")

# Define how many times dropbear connection should be tried before
# determining host down. Allow enough time typical system initialization

# How many seconds delay between dropbear connection attempts

# Delay in minutes to wait between notifications of host down (reduces spamming alerts)

# How many minutes must a host be down before calling __dropbear_failed_payload()
Variable Description
hostnames is BASH array of hostnames that will be checked each time the script is run when a -a or --all parameter is passed.
passphrase is the password or passphrase needed to unlock remote disk volumes via Dropbear. This value needs to be wrapped by single-quotes to prevent shell processing of special characters.
webhook can be populated with a webhook URL of your choice to send a notification to. This allows easy notifications to Slack, Mattermost, etc.
ssh_ports is a BASH array of SSH port numbers to check. Typically just 22 is used, but alternate ports can be specified. If any of the ssh_ports ports are detected to be open then the remote host is assumed to be fully booted and not waiting for a passphrase. No other action is taken, next host is checked.
dropbear_ports is a BASH array of SSH port numbers to check. Typical numbers are 222 or 2222, additional ports can be added if needed. If any of these ports are detected to be open then the host is waiting for a passphrase. The Host-Check script will then attempt to answer the passphrase prompt. If the remote host has neither SSH or Dropbear ports open, then the host is powered off, hung or some other error condition. A notification can be sent when this is detected.
dropbear_retries is an integer number of how many times to check all defined Dropbear ports for a connection before returning a failed/host down status.
dropbear_retry_delay is an integer number of how many seconds to wait between Dropbear connection attempts.
host_state_retry_min is an integer number of how many consecutive minutes to wait before sending next alert when a host is down. This is to help reduce the amount of spam alerts messages generated.
host_state_failed_threshold is an integer number of how many consecutive minutes a host needs to be down before sub-routine __dropbear_failed_payload() is executed.


There are some routines within the script you may want to consider making modifications. Instead of editing the script directly, simply cut & paste the default routine from the script and place it in the config file (host-check.conf). Customize the version within your config file.

  • __send_notification() is called to send a notification. By default it sends a webhook notification to the URL specified in variable $webhook.

    • If you would rather an email, then you can modify this to use mailx or some other email client. The content of the notification is in variable $message.
  • __dropbear_failed_payload() is called when no SSH ports are detected, no dropbear ports are detected or the passphrase to unlock the volume failed.

    • Often there is nothing you can do about it, just needs a human to investigate.
    • The example within the script shows self-hosted kubernetes nodes having a taint applied which notified the rest of the cluster that this host will not be available until a human does something.
    • The variable $hostname will contain the name of the host having an issue.
  • __answer_passphrase() can be modified if you use LUKS encryption. You would add an entry with the passphrase text prompt to look for modeled after this entry:

    "Enter passphrase" {
      send -- "\$PASS\r"
      send_log -- "\rDEBUG: passphrase entered\r"
      sleep 1 
      send -- "\r" 


Download a copy of the script and place it where you like. Once downloaded, you use install:

$ sudo install /usr/local/bin

$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9710 Aug 26 18:27 /usr/local/bin/
  • Create configuration file $HOME/.config/host-check/host-check.conf as outlined above.
  • Once configured create systemd timer to run the host-check script as needed.

Usage Statement | Version: 0.15 | 09/25/2023 | Richard J. Durso

  Check if hosts are stuck at Dropbear passphrase prompt.

  This script will check a defined list of hostname(s) to determine if any of
  the hosts are waiting for a Dropbear passphrase before booting. If detected
  the script will enter the passphrase to allow the remote system to resume
  its boot process.

  --debug           : Show expect screen scrape in progress.
  -c, --config      : Full path and name of configuration file.
  -a, --all         : Process all hosts, all ports, all passphrase prompts.
  -s, --single      : Process single host, all ports, all passphrase prompts.
  -l, --list        : List defined hostnames and ports within the script.
  -h, --help        : This usage statement.
  -v, --version     : Return script version. [--debug] [-c <path/name.config>] [-flags] [-a | <hostname>]

  Default configuration file: /home/user/.config/host-check/host-check.conf


  1. Individual Host with Successful Passphrase:

    $ -s testlinux
    Connection to testlinux ( 22 port failed! [Host known to be down]
    -- Dropbear check on host: testlinux
    Connection to testlinux ( 222 port [tcp/rsh-spx] succeeded!
    -- -- Dropbear port 222 is open on testlinux
    -- -- Attempting Dropbear passphrase on testlinux
    -- -- No error detected in passphrase exchange
    -- -- Notification sent

    NOTE: The passphrase must be wrapped in single-quotes to prevent BASH, ZSH, Linux for acting on special characters.

    • Slack Webhook notification: slack notification example
  2. Individual Host with Debug Mode and Successful Passphrase:

    $ --debug -s testlinux
    Connection to testlinux ( 22 port failed! [Host known to be down]
    -- Dropbear check on host: testlinux
    Connection to testlinux ( 222 port [tcp/rsh-spx] succeeded!
    -- -- Dropbear port 222 is open on testlinux
    -- -- Attempting Dropbear passphrase on testlinux
    spawn ssh unlock-testlinux
    Enter passphrase for 'rpool':
    1 / 1 key(s) successfully loaded
    ZFS Root Pool Decrypted
    -- -- No error detected in passphrase exchange
    -- -- Notification sent
    • The --debug mode enabled the expect screen scrape to be visible:

      spawn ssh unlock-testlinux
      Enter passphrase for 'rpool':
      1 / 1 key(s) successfully loaded
      ZFS Root Pool Decrypted
  3. Scan all defined hosts:

    $ -a
    Connection to k3s01 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    Connection to k3s02 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    Connection to k3s03 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    Connection to k3s04 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    Connection to k3s05 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    Connection to k3s06 ( 22 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
    • All hosts are up with SSH ports open, nothing to do!
  4. List Current Configuration (and status of tracked hosts):

    $ -l
    -- v0.17: Loading configuration file: /home/user/.config/host-check/host-check.conf
    Hostname(s) defined:
    testlinux [ Host marked down via state file /home/user/.config/host-check/testlinux.down since 2023-09-25T13:11:53-0400 ]
    SSH port(s) defined:
    Dropbear will be tried 6 times at 20 second intervals
    Dropbear port(s) defined:
    Unlock passphrase has been defined.



Language:Shell 100.0%