reefab / diybio_centrifuge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Status: Moved to – The project has been moved to a new location, and the version at that location should be considered authoritative. to

There a newer and better version available at Lecodevert/centrifuge

F.Lab's DIYbio Centrifuge


This a remix of F.Lab's DIYbio Centrifuge with the following changes:

  • Uses a Digispark (or clone) ATTiny85 board instead of an Arduino
  • The STL files were repaired as they were made from Sketchup and were not usable with Slic3r

Bill of Materials

  • 12V 3A power supply with barrel jack with 5x5/2.1mm barrel jack connector
  • female 5.5/2.1mm barrel jack connector with screw terminals
  • 12V SPST 10*15mm switch
  • B10k 10k Ohm Adjustment Single Linear Rotary Potentiometer
  • Digispark ATTINY85
  • MT1806 2400KV CW/CCW Motor 1806 Mini Brushless Motor
  • BLHeli OPTO mini-16A ESC
  • 3mm screws


First, install PlatformIO on your platform of choice.

Run in the root directory of this project:

pio run

And plug in the Digispark when it tells you to. Upload takes a couple of seconds.

Make sure no components are connected while uploading to the Digispark. Do the upload before soldering.



Original instructions



The included STL files and the whole project were originally created by F.Lab.


License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Language:C++ 100.0%