redorav / public_source_engines

Game Engines with Source: Learning from the best

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Move nCine among the solo engines

encelo opened this issue ยท comments

Thank you for adding the nCine in your list and thank you for listing it among the big team engines. ๐Ÿ˜„
Unfortunately I have been the only developer of the project so you might want to move it among the solo ones. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hi @encelo, thanks for letting me know, I'll do that for sure. The reason I put it in the other category is the website is so nice and there's so much in there I thought there must be a lot of people working on it!

Closed via 764d4f5

I've also rephrased the definition a little as yours probably doesn't fall in the experimental or toy tech, to cover a bit more ground. Thanks again!