redlegoman / ocp4-auto-approve-csr

CronJob and ConfigMap that will automatically sign any Pending CSRs in OpenShift 4 UPI Installations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Auto-approve Openshift 4.x UPI CSRs

This repo is to be used with caution and mainly will help any UPI of Openshift 4.x where the CSRs need to be approved manually. Nodes that are added to an OpenShift Cluster that have not had their CSRs signed will not function properly.

The manifest in this repository will create a CronJob that runs hourly and a ConfigMap that contain a script that will automatically sign any Pending CSRs.


  1. Clone the git repository
  2. Create the Project by running oc adm new-project openshift-csr-autoapprove
  3. Provide the default service account of openshift-csr-autoapprove the role of cluster-admin
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z default -n openshift-csr-autoapprove
  1. Create the ConfigMap and CronJob by running oc create -f ocp4-auto-approve-csr.yml
  2. Verify the Cronjob and ConfigMap has been created.
$ oc get cronjobs.batch
ocp4-auto-approve-csr   @hourly    False     0        <none>          4s
$ oc get cm
NAME                           DATA   AGE
kube-root-ca.crt               1      74s
ocp4-auto-approve-csr-script   1      21s


CronJob and ConfigMap that will automatically sign any Pending CSRs in OpenShift 4 UPI Installations.