RDAP is the replacement for the WHOIS domain information lookup protocol. Unfortunately, not every registrar supports RDAP (report).
This is a simple proxy server that uses the existing WHOIS server but returns the information as RDAP.
- IANA root domain database - info for each domain, including (if available), the whois server(s). This isn't really machine-readable. Try rfc1036/whois or whois/ianawhois.
- IANA RDAP for domains bootstrap file (JSON) - the official list of RDAP servers for domain lookups
- IANA list of RDAP servers for registrars - useful for finding a fallback RDAP server, especially if you buy all your domains from a single registrar.
- Resolve.rs report of unofficial/missing RDAP servers
To run locally for development:
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
- echo
- rfc1036/whois - list of whois servers
- resolve.rs - list of rdap servers
list of allowed TLDs to proxy (redirect always works)
/index.html: note about allowed domains
/index.html display recent TLDs queried w/success ratio
cache raw whois results (and nocache parameter)
banner and social media metadata
readme credits
unify logging
disable page logging when running in CloudRun
test for RDAP conformance
better date parsing
pass-through error responses
configurable limit message ("Free for light non-commerical use")
remove filesystem access to files in dev mode: air works
fallback whois/rdap server for TLDs without
metrics badges?
404/500 pages
time delay (per IP?)
basic auth + config/flag for user/password
security headers
undiabler/golang-whois: 6 years old, doesn't parse expiration, can't specify server (but has big list built-in)
likexian/whois: able to specify server and timeout
domainr/whois: includes parsers for HTTP-based whois servers
official whois - Server Fault answer with various ways to figure out the correct WHOIS server