redhat-forum-madrid-2018 / coolstore-msa-break-and-fix

Microservices Architecture Break and Fix repository.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Coolstore Microservices - Break & Fix

TODO Add description, objetives and goals.

Architecture Diagram

TODO Add diagram and Microservices topology

Prepare your OpenShift Cluster

TODO Add information about OpenShift and how to use it. TODO Instructions to deploy into a local CDK (Minishift) instance

Create a new project:

$ oc new-project coolstore
$ oc project coolstore


Catalog - Microservice with Spring Boot

TODO Add description and main Spring Boot features

To deploy into OpenShift:

$ cd catalog-spring-boot
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy

Testing API:

$ curl http://catalog-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
    "itemId": "329299",
    "name": "Red Fedora",
    "description": "Official Red Hat Fedora",
    "price": 34.99

Inventory - Enterprise Microservice with Wildfly Swarm

TODO Add description and main Wildfly features

To deploy into OpenShift:

$ cd inventory-wildfly-swarm
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy

Testing API:

$ curl http://inventory-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
  "itemId": "329299",
  "quantity": 35

Gateway - Reactive Microservice with Vert.x

TODO Add description and main Vert.x features

Prepare your namespace:

oc policy add-role-to-user view -z default -n coolstore

To deploy into OpenShift:

$ cd gateway-vertx
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy

Testing API:

$ curl http://gateway-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
    "itemId": "329299",
    "name": "Red Fedora",
    "description": "Official Red Hat Fedora",
    "price": 34.99,
    "availability": {
      "quantity": 35

Hystrix Dashboard lets you easily monitor the health of your services in real time by aggregating Hystrix metrics data from an event stream and displaying them on one screen.

$ oc create -f
template "hystrix-dashboard" created
$ oc new-app --template=hystrix-dashboard

To access to the dashboard:

http://hystrix-dashboard-coolstore.$(minishift ip)


Web Site - Rich User Experience with Node.js and AngularJS

TODO Add description and main Node.js and AngularJS features

To deploy in OpenShift:

$ cd web-nodejs
$ oc new-build --name web-ui --docker-image .
$ oc start-build web-ui --from-dir . --follow
$ oc new-app web-ui
$ oc expose svc/web-ui

Testing from a Web Browser [http://web-ui-coolstore.$(minishift ip)](http://web-ui-coolstore.$(minishift ip)

Deploy using an OpenShift Template

There is an OpenShift Template to deploy all this repository easily.

$ oc new-project coolstore
$ oc process -f openshift/coolstore-msa-break-fix-template.yaml | oc create -f -

Main References

This repository is based in other cool repositories as:


Microservices Architecture Break and Fix repository.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 55.3%Language:JavaScript 18.1%Language:HTML 13.7%Language:Shell 12.8%Language:CSS 0.1%