reddoorsound / LabSound

The WebAudio engine, factored out of WebKit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The WebAudio engine, factored out of WebKit.

My motivation for factoring it out is that the WebAudio engine is very well designed, and well exercised. It does everything I would want an audio engine to do. If you have a look at the specification you can see that it is an audio processing graph with a lot of default nodes, multiple sends, and wide platform support.

WebKit was obtained from the unofficial github mirror at

The WebKit distro is about 2Gb of stuff, the audio engine is about 32Mb including the impulse response wav files.

I disconnected the audio engine from Javascript and from the browser infrastructure, and also replaced a few files with new implementations where those files had an LGLPL notice on them.

I only made an OSX main because I'm not set up for building on other platforms. If anyone wants to modify the premake.lua file to support other platforms, please send a pull request!

The keyword LabSound marks any places the code was modified from the source distro.


So far, I haven't got a handle fully on creating an xcode project using premake.


premake4 xcode4 

mostly works, but it doesn't copy the audio resources into the app bundle. At the moment, you'll need to build the code once, then manually open the App and bundle, and copy the audio in yourself.

   +--- Contents
           +--- Resources
                   +--- audio
                          +---- copy all the wav's here

The wavs to copy are in src/platform/audio/resources/*.wav


After factoring free of WebKit, the audio engine is ridiculously easy to use. Here's a sample that plays a sine tone for a few seconds.

#include "AudioContext.h"
#include "ExceptionCode.h"
#include "MainThread.h"
#include "OscillatorNode.h"

#include <unistd.h> // for usleep

using namespace WebCore;

namespace WebCore
    class Document { public: }; // dummy class

int main(int, char**)
    // Initialize threads for the WTF library
    // Create an audio context object
    Document d;
    ExceptionCode ec;
    PassRefPtr<AudioContext> context = AudioContext::create(&d, ec);

    PassRefPtr<OscillatorNode> oscillator = context->createOscillator();
    oscillator->connect(context->destination(), 0, 0, ec);
    for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i)
    return 0;

Generally, you can take any js sample code, and transliterate it exactly into C++. In some cases, there are extra parameters to specify, such as the input and output indices in the oscillator example above.


Any bits not part of the WebKit code (such as the files in the shim) directory can be assumed to be under a BSD 3-clause license.

The license on the WebKit files is the Google/Apple BSD 2 clause modified license on most of the Webkit sources. Note that the WTF library in particular is intended to be used outside of WebKit. cf


The WebAudio engine, factored out of WebKit