redchew-fork / unreal.hx

Unreal.hx: Haxe Integration for Unreal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Unreal.hx is a plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that allows you to write code in the Haxe programming language. Haxe is a modern, high-level, type-safe programming language that offers high performance critical for game development.

Main Features

  • Haxe compiles directly to C++, for high runtime performance.
  • Full access to the entire Unreal C++ API - including delegates and lambdas.
  • Full support for UCLASS creation, subclassing, and Blueprints.
  • Very fast compilation using hxcpp's virtual machine, cppia

Haxe Features

  • Familiar C/Java-style syntax.
  • Memory management via garbage collection.
  • Strict type safety, with a powerful type inference engine.
  • Many modern features such as lambdas/closures, generics, abstract data types (GADT's), reflection, metadata, and a powerful macro system for language extension.


  • Make sure you've got a working haxe installation, and have the hxcpp and hxcs haxelibs installed
  • Clone this library or add it as a submodule to your Unreal project in the Plugins/UnrealHx directory
  • Change your Build.cs file to extend HaxeModuleRules instead of ModuleRules
  • Build your project the same way you'd build it before
  • A new directory, Haxe, will be created at the root of your project. Add any class to be compiled to Haxe/Static or Haxe/Scripts, and you may add new compiler arguments to the arguments.hxml file
  • After the first build, you may call haxe gen-build-script.hxml inside the Haxe directory to compile the Scripts without having to do a full C++ build (see our wiki)
  • For the latest development, Haxe 3.4.x, 4.0.0-preview1 are supported, and Unreal version 4.19 is supported


package mygame;
import unreal.*;

class AMyActor extends AActor {
  // make a property that is editable in the editor.
  @:uproperty(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Inventory)
  var items:TArray<AActor>;

  // make a function that is callable from C++/Blueprints
  @:ufunction(BlueprintCallable, Category=Inventory)
  public function addToInventory(item:AActor) {

  // override native C++ function
  override function Tick(deltaTime:Float32) : Void {
    super.Tick(deltaTime); // call super functions
    trace('Hello, World!'); // all traces are redirected to Unreal's Log
    trace('Warning', 'Some Warning'); // and it supports Warning, Error and Fatal as well

  // tell Unreal to call our Tick function
  public function new(wrapped) {
    this.PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
package mygame;
import unreal.*;

class AMyGameMode extends AGameMode {
  public var playerName:FString;

  public function makeExternalRequest(data:String) {
    // use Unreal C++ API to make an HTTP Request
    var httpRequest = FHttpModule.Get().CreateRequest();
    httpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

    // use Haxe JSON library to encode data.
    var json = {
      name: this.playerName,
      playerData: data,

    // Receive a callback when the response is received.
    httpRequest.OnProcessRequestComplete.BindLambda(function (request, response, success) {
      trace('response received: ${response.GetContentAsString()}');


For a complete example project, check out , which is a port of Unreal's Platformer Game demo to Haxe 3.3/Unreal 4.11

More information is available on the Wiki


Unreal.hx: Haxe Integration for Unreal

License:MIT License


Language:Haxe 99.3%Language:C++ 0.6%Language:C# 0.1%Language:C 0.0%