recliq / docker-trackmania

Repository of the Trackmania (2020) server docker images.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trackmania image

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This unoffical Docker image provides a TrackMania Server with the version depending on the image version.

Getting Started


docker run

To start a TrackMania server where all data is stored in a named volume with docker run:

docker run \
  -e MASTER_LOGIN='YourMasterserverLogin' \
  -e MASTER_PASSWORD='YourMasterserverPassword' \
  -p 2350:2350/tcp \
  -p 2350:2350/udp \
  #-p 5000:5000/tcp \ # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you really need to.
  -v UserData:/server/UserData \

To do the same with docker compose:

docker compose

version: "3.8"
    image: evotm/trackmania
      - 2350:2350/udp
      - 2350:2350/tcp
      #- 5000:5000/tcp # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you really need to.
      MASTER_LOGIN: "YourMasterserverLogin"
      MASTER_PASSWORD: "YourMasterserverPassword"
      - UserData:/server/UserData

Environment Variables


  • MASTER_LOGIN - Your server login name. (e.g. 'yourcoolserverlogin')
  • MASTER_PASSWORD - Your server login password you got from the Trackmania player page. (e.g. 'YbL=.jIa-vZvIx5B')


  • SERVER_NAME - The server name. (e.g. 'A Trackmania Server')
    • 📝 Only used if no server name is already present inside the server config file.
  • PLAYERS_MAX - Max amount of players the server can have. (number)
  • PLAYERS_PASSWORD - The password the players have to enter upon joining the server. (e.g. 'SuperSecretPassword')
  • SPECTATORS_MAX - Max amount of spectators a server can have. (number)
  • SPECTATORS_PASSWORD - The password the spectators have to enther upon joining the server. (e.g. 'SuperSecretPassword')
  • ALLOW_MAP_DOWNLOAD - If it's allowed for players to download the server maps. (True/False)
  • AUTOSAVE_REPLAYS - If the server saves replays automatically. (True/False)
  • AUTOSAVE_VALIDATION_REPLAYS - If the server saves validation replays automatically. (True/False)
  • CONNECTION_UPLOADRATE - The maximal upload speed the server is able to use. (number)
  • CONNECTION_DOWNLOADRATE - The maximal download speed the server is able to use. (number)
  • WORKERTHREADCOUNT - The maximum amount of CPU Threads the server can run on. (number)
  • PACKETASSEMBLY_MULTITHREAD If the server should use multithreading for packet assembly (True/False)
  • FORCE_IP_ADDRESS - Usually the public IP of the server including the port. (e.g. '').
    • 📝 It should be set if the intention is to make the server public.
  • XMLRPC_ALLOWREMOTE - If the server allows connections to XMLRPC. (True/False)
  • DISABLE_COHERENCE_CHECKS - If the built-in anti-cheat is disabled. (True/False)
  • DISABLE_REPLAY_RECORDING - If the replay recording is disabled. (True/False)
  • SAVE_ALL_INDIVIDUAL_RUNS - If the server should save all individual runs. (True/False)
  • DEDICATED_CFG - In case you created your own server config and want to use that one instead. (e.g. 'serverconfig.txt')
  • GAME_SETTINGS - In case you created your own matchsettings and want to use that one instead. (e.g. 'matchsettings.txt')


There's only one volume mounted on /server/UserData inside the container, which allows to make the server data persistent.

Named volume

This one let's docker handle the path where the files will be stored. using docker run:

-v UserData:/server/UserData

using docker compose:

  - UserData:/server/UserData

Bind mount

This one let's you specify the path where the files will be stored. using docker run:

-v UserData:/server/UserData

using docker compose:

  - /path/on/your/host:/server/UserData


If you have any questions, issues, bugs or suggestions, don't hesitate open an Issue! You can also join our Discord for questions.

You may also help with development by creating a pull request.


Repository of the Trackmania (2020) server docker images.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 66.5%Language:Dockerfile 33.5%