recafe54 / faceRecognition-yolo-facenet

real time face recognition with YOLO and FaceNet

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Real-time Facial Recognition using YOLO and FaceNet


We implemented a small real-time facial recognition system using a camera to take pictures and render real-time visuals to tell if the people in front of the camera are someone in our database (with their name as labels) or someone unknown. The main algorithms we used are YOLO v3 (You Only Look Once) and FaceNet.

  • YOLO v3 is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection algorithm. The published model recognizes 80 different objects in images and videos. However, we only use YOLO to detect faces in our project. For more details about YOLO v3, you check this paper.
  • FaceNet develops a deep convolutional network to learn a mapping from face images to a compact Euclidean space where distances directly correspond to a measure of face similarity. It uses triplet-loss as its loss function. If you want to know more about the details of FaceNet and triplet-loss.

This is a final project of course EECS-496 (Advanced Deep Learning) at Northwestern University.

Available Funtions

  • Face Alignment: We have two versions of algorithms to detect and crop the faces in a picture — MTCNN and YOLO v3.
  • Training on FaceNet: You can either train your model from scratch or use a pre-trained model for transfer learning. The loss function we use is triplet-loss.
  • Real-time Facial Recognition: We use opencv to render a real-time video after facial recognition and labeling.


  • OS: Windows 10
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • CUDA TOOLKIT: v10.0
  • cuDNN SDK: v7.5 (corresponding to CUDA TOOLKIT v10.0)
  • Python: 3.x
  • tensorflow-gpu: 1.13.1

We have successfully built this system in windows, but we are not sure if it will work under other operating system like Linux or Mac OS. However, all the repos we refer to can work under Linux, so we think Linux is also available.


We only provide Windows version here, you can change the command for Linux. Remenber to check the dependencies in requirement.txt.

  1. Face Alignment.

    You can use either or

    First, use in \align\yolo_weights\ to get the pre-trained model of YOLO if you want to use YOLO version. (The bash file only work under Linux, I will provide link for downloading directly later.)

    Then create a folder in \align and name it as "unaligned_faces", put all your images in this folder. In \align\unaligned_faces, one person has one folder with his/her name as folder name and all his/her images should be put in the corresponding folder.

    Finally run

    $ python


    $ python

    The result will be generated in \aligned_faces folder, copy all the results to /output folder for later use.

  2. Training FaceNet Model

    • If you want to directly use a pre-trained model for facial recognition, just skip this step.

    • If you want to implement a tranfer learning with a pre-trained model and your own dataset, you need to first download this pre-trained model, put it in /models and unzip it. Make sure that the directory /models/20170512-110547 has 4 files.

      Then run

      $ python

      The trained model will be in the /models/facenet.

    • If you want to train your own model from scratch. In line 433, there is an optional argument named "--pretrained_model", delete its default value.

      Then run again

      $ python

      The trained model will also be in the /models/facenet.

  3. Training SVM Model

    In line 25, change the "modeldir" variable to your own FaceNet model path. If you have trained a model already, just use the corresponding path, otherwise there are several pre-trained model you can use:

    CASIA-WebFace: 20180408-102900

    VGGFace2: 20180402-114759

    Then run

      $ python

    The SVM model will be generated in \myclassifier.

  4. Real-time Facial Recognition

    There are two versions — MTCNN and YOLO, you can also use, but the fps of this one is pretty low.

    First Modify the "modeldir" variable to your own path the same as step 3.

    Then run

      $ python


      $ python


A special thanks to the following:


real time face recognition with YOLO and FaceNet


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Shell 1.0%