reborg / csdb

A database engine with CSV persistence.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


WARNING: this is completely work in progress.


CSDB is a database engine using CSV (Comma Separated Values) as the main persistent format. You can point CSDB to a folder of CSV files and CSDB will guess shape and relationships between them. You're then free to query the dataset using conventional SQL (or perhaps Datalog, or even predicate logic). For example (after unzipping the 2 files in datasets/moma-data):

(require '[csdb.core :as csdb])

(csdb/default! "datasets/moma-data")
(csdb/sql "SELECT ConstituentID, DisplayName, Nationality
           FROM Artists
           WHERE Artists.Nationality = \"American\"")
;; [...]
;; 132, John Altoon, American
;; [...]

(csdb/datalog "Artists(ConstituentID, DisplayName, Nationality) :-
               Artists(ConstituentID, DisplayName, Nationality), Nationality = 'American'")
;; [...]
;; 132, John Altoon, American
;; [...]


CSDB will try to guess shape and relationships between the CSV files in a folder, a common case if the files are exported from a working database. However, this might not be sufficient if the files have very different extensions, formats or header names. In this case you need to provide CSDB with some relevant configuration data.

Large CSV perftest

mkdir datasets/lastfm-data; cd datasets/lastfm-data curl -O curl -O tar xvfz lastfm-dataset-1K.tar.gz tar xvfz lastfm-dataset-360K.tar.gz cd lastfm-dataset-1K head -n 1000 userid-timestamp-artid-artname-traid-traname.tsv > small.tsv cd .. cd lastfm-dataset-360K head -n 1000 usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv > small.tsv cd ..

Braindump (WIP)

  • The header for each file should really be loaded once and stored
  • Allow indexing for multiple columns
  • Translation of SQL (or other) instructions into some (clj/calcite/whatnot) executable strategy
    • An example of possible mapping:
      • SELECT -> pick some attributes from resulting relation
      • FROM -> source of initial relation
      • WHERE -> misc constraings on resulting relations
    • without thinking performance one could load everything into relations and use fset ops
      • This introduces all the planning problem: restrict before loading, all other optimizations possible etc.
      • Could have separate strategies: agressive or simple with relations for different use cases?
    • parse sql string -> instaparse -> clj tree AST
      • Easier to traverse/process etc instead of any destructure
      • Better than spec parsing.


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This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at


A database engine with CSV persistence.



Language:Clojure 100.0%