rebeling / non-blocking-requests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project validates non-blocking / async requests for performance.

Initial problem was: we switched in a project from tornado to flask - for the sake of simplicity - and later in time the client ask for special behavior: we need to call an elasticsearch with information from the search result before. For 20 search result items it meant 20 extra requests - before the final result could be responded.

Getting rid of tornado kind of closed the option for async httpclient requests. We can still use it, but I was interested in what else use of non-blocking strategies is out there and what about the performances.

Test setup:

  1. create an elasticsearch index
  • number_of_shards 5

  • with one million documents (see

  • document consist of two fields title, content filled wiht loremipsum

  1. request the elasticsearch in non-blocking fashion
  • use different tasks: asyncio, grequests, requests-futures, ... and tornado (see and task/)

  • get the strings from documents content field

  • time it and evaluate

On the way

Blasting fast locally

Interesting observation is the serial time running it loacally. The bottleneck for sure is the internet connection: open, call, close again and again. But with a local setup, even the serial approach compared to the async methods is not as slow as expected.

Requests-futures 1000 > thread.error: can't start new thread

The other side of the table

Elasticsearch ... number of shards performance measures ... extrem fast response. Spawn to shards initially is pretty handy.

Loosing data

It seems to be to fast sometimes or to many jobs in parallel and if not finished happened in ThreadPoolExecutor bulk indexing the data with 20 max_workers. 800000 in 80s Reduced to 10 989.999 in (Finished in 91.8s). But with 5 it creted the million. Changed to mp Pool result was Pool(processes=80) 230.000 (230.000) docs after 43.4s 20 589.999 69.2s]

speed up the bulk indexing refresh_interval" : -1, and when done a POST /requests-testing/_optimize?max_num_segments=5

[Finished in 65.0s]

turn of refresh interval 20 workers [Finished in 74.4s] super fast but 989.999 (989.999) missing 10.000 ...done

turn of refresh interval 10 workers Finished in between 69.7s - 78.5s ...worked. Know how much data you expect with same result.



Tasks Seria Grequ ReqFu cfThr mpPoo Async Torna
1 0.019 0.004 0.001 0.010 0.029 0.006 0.008
20 0.086 0.053 0.037 0.113 0.194 0.083 0.034
50 0.217 0.127 0.144 0.183 0.083 0.180 0.093
100 0.489 0.277 0.313 0.380 0.162 0.382 0.234
500 2.393 1.473 1.692 2.258 0.818 2.188 0.922
1000 3.938 2.865 - 3.695 1.685 4.354 2.082


[1] Asynchronous Servers in Python

[2] Feature comparison of Python non-blocking I/O libraries

[3] Tulip – Python async I/O with coroutines



Language:Python 100.0%