realazthat / glsl-quad

glsl-quad provides simple utilities (simple quad mesh, shaders, etc.) for image processing with webgl.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



glsl-quad provides simple utilities (simple quad mesh, shaders, etc.) for image processing with webgl.

See glsl-quad-demo.js for usage.


  • nodejs
  • browserify
  • regl (for demo)
  • resl (for demo)
  • budo (for quick demo as an alternative to running browserify)


To run the demo, run:

    cd ./glsl-quad
    #install npm dependencies
    npm install
    #browser should open with the demo
    budo glsl-quad-demo.js --open


branch demo
master glsl-quad-demo
    | [glsl-quad-uv-demo](
    | [glsl-quad-pos-demo](
    | [glsl-quad-vertical-flip-tests](

develop | glsl-quad-demo | glsl-quad-uv-demo | glsl-quad-pos-demo | glsl-quad-vertical-flip-tests


const quad = require('./glsl-quad.js');
  • A list of vertices that can be used for webgl positions, that make up a quad (two triangles).
  • A list of indices that can be used for webgl triangles, that make up a quad (two triangles).
  • A list of uv attributes for the vertices.
  • Returns the webgl 1.0 fragment shader to use.
  • The fragment shader expects a uniform shader (sampler2D) named u_tex.
  • Returns the webgl 1.0 vertex shader to use.
  • The vertex shader expects:
    • A uniform float named u_clip_y, representing whether to flip the y-axis; values of 1 or -1.
    • An attribute list of vec2 positions of the vertices named a_position.
    • An attribute list of vec2 uvs of the vertices named a_uv.
  • Returns a data uri for an image that can be used to test proper display directions.
  • Can see the images in the glsl-quad/assets/ directory.


See glsl-quad-demo.js for a full demo using regl and resl.

An excerpt:

    const drawTexture = regl({
      frag: quad.shader.frag,
      vert: quad.shader.vert,
      attributes: {
        a_position: quad.verts,
        a_uv: quad.uvs
      elements: quad.indices,
      uniforms: {
        u_tex: regl.prop('texture'),
        u_clip_y: 1



glsl-quad provides simple utilities (simple quad mesh, shaders, etc.) for image processing with webgl.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 92.1%Language:Shell 7.9%