realadeel / select

Custom select search filters

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Baremetrics Custom Selection Picker

Baremetrics provides zero-setup subscription analytics & insights for Stripe, Braintree, Recurly and any other subscription source! Get started today!

The Baremetrics custom selection picker is a glorified select box solution. It's super flexible and allows many different types and ranges of complex selections while at the end of the day generating a very simple, concise JSON object which you can use for whatever.

Design by Chris Meeks
Code by Tyler van der Hoeven

View a demo

screenshot2 screenshot1 screenshot3


Using the select filter tags is super straight forward, you just need to target a div with the class of bm-select where your filter options will generate.

We've also got the option to spit out a separate filter cloud for non selectable results. That too needs a bm-select class.

In the demo I'm using:

<div class="select bm-select"></div>
<button class="reset">Reset</button>
<button class="submit">Submit</button>
<div class="result bm-select"></div>

Once you've got the div's ready all you've gotta do is create an instance of the Select object with all the tags you'd like to generate.

var filters = new Select({
  cloud: '.select',
  tags: [
      title: 'Name',
      type: 'bmInput',
      options: [
          title: 'Contains',
          query: 'with',
          selected: 'Metrics',
          title: 'Doesn\'t Contain',
          query: 'without',
      title: 'Price',
      type: 'bmInput',
      // selected: '$129.99',
      placeholder: 'e.g. $99.99'
      title: 'Tech',
      type: 'bmMulti',
      options: [
          title: 'Python',
          selected: true,
          title: 'MongoDB',
          selected: true,
          title: 'Node',
          title: 'PHP',
          title: 'Meteor',
          title: 'MySQL',
          title: 'Ruby',
      title: 'Billing Interval',
      options: [
          title: 'Annual'
          title: 'Monthly'

// Also just for kicks here are a couple actions
// I'm using in the demo to reset the filter selections
// and spit out the result html

$('.reset').click(function() {

  // Resets all the filters to 'None'

$('.submit').click(function() {
  // This gives you the selected tag JSON
  var filters_array =;

  // Clears out any existing tags in the result cloud
  var result_cloud = $('.result').empty();

  // Loops over the results and adds each one to the result cloud
  $.each(filters_array, function(i, d) {
    var HTML = filters.addResultHTML(d);


Layer One (cloud & tag)

Select allows for one object argument with two keys, cloud and tags.

  • cloud:
    • The identifier for where we should generate the select filter tags
  • tags:
    • An array of tag objects

Layer Two (title, type & options)

A tag object has three keys. title, type and options

  • title:
    • The title of the tag
  • type:
    • One of either 'bmInput', 'bmMulti' or 'bmSingle'
    • Default is 'bmSingle'
  • options:
    • Array of dropdown objects for this tag
  • placeholder:
    • If bmInput without an options array you can set a placeholder for the input field
  • selected:
    • If bmInput without an options array you can set a pre-selected value for the input field

Layer Three (title, query & selected)

The options array has three allowable keys. title, query or selected

  • title:
    • The title for the dropdown item
  • query:
    • The shorthand name for this selection.
    • Defaults to lowercase alpha char regex
  • selected:
    • If 'bmInput', this is the value to pre-fill the input div with
    • Otherwise it's just a boolean to pre-select this item or not
    • Default obviously is false


Now that we're all set up with filters, how do we access the values for use throughout the rest of our application? Easy!

[Select instance].reset()

First and easiest is [Select instance].reset() which will just clear all filters of their current selections. Note however this does not automatically reset the values unless a [Select instance].call() is also called. This function just visually clears the playing field.

[Select instance].call()

The second function is [Select instance].call(). This will return a clone of the original tags array you passed to the Select instance. The only thing which will be updated is where the selected keys and values are. Thus you could save this return array back to subsequent calls of the Select object as a sort of "what did I search for last" type deal. We do this exact thing in the Baremetrics app using localStorage. The more common use though obviously is to use this as your option in a call back to the server for use in some type of API call.

[Select instance].addResultHTML([one_tag_object])

The last function you'll likely want to make use of is the [Select instance].addResultHTML([one_tag_object]). What this allows you to do is pass in one of the tag objects from either the call() return or even the original object and generate a sort of static or dumb tag. In the demo this is the function that is called when you click the "Submit" button. It only takes one object at a time though so you'll likely want to create an each loop if you plan on generating a tag cloud of all the return search objects.


I've included my signature gulpfile too so be sure and take a look at that as well.

$ cd <project directory>
$ npm install
$ gulp

I also use pow and the powder gem to run my local dev environments but however you plan on wrangling that the gulpfile turns on a livereload server so as long as you have the files serving somehow any changes you make will show up instantly.



Custom select search filters

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 79.3%Language:CSS 18.3%Language:HTML 2.3%