reachfh / big_commerce

Elixir client for BigCommerce API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a client library for the BigCommerce API.


Add big_commerce to the app dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:big_commerce, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation is on HexDocs. To generate a local copy, run mix docs.


HTTP client

Optional dependencies

By default Tesla uses httpc to make HTTP client calls because it is included in Erlang/OTP and does not require installation of any additional dependency. It is not, however, recommended to use it in production environment as it does not validate SSL certificates among other issues.

Change the adapter to e.g. hackney globally in config/config.exs:

config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Hackney

and add it as a dependency in mix.exs:

{:hackney, "~> 1.18"},

OpenTelemetry integration

Add the following lines to your application start:



When the Elixir Logger log level is set to :debug, the Tesla Logger will show full request and response info. This can be pretty noisy. If you want to disable detailed request/response logging, set debug: false in your config:

config :tesla, Tesla.Middleware.Logger, debug: false

Logging configuration is evaluated at compile time, so Tesla must be recompiled for the configuration to take effect:

mix deps.clean --build tesla
mix deps.compile tesla


Talking to the BigCommerce API requires a store_hash, which identifies the specific store, and an access_token which authenticates the client.

First create an API client, which will then be used for calls to the API:

client = BigCommerce.client(store_hash: "123456", access_token: "abc123")

A good way to do this is create a config section in your app:

config :myapp, :big_commerce_client,
    store_hash = "123456",
    access_token = "abc123"

Then in code, you can do:

client_config = Application.get_env(:myapp, :big_commerce_client)
client = BigCommerce.client(client_config)

After you have the client, make api calls like this:



Elixir client for BigCommerce API

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Elixir 100.0%