Geek Repo
REPL driven operations
Home Page:
Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool
Re-mote operations using SSH and Re-gent
End to end machine management from the REPL
A Distributed Clojure agent for running remote functions
Packer scripts for AWS, KVM and Digital ocean images which are Re-ops ready
Common re-ops code
A set of remotely exeutable functions
Base environment setup migrated to re-conf
Provisioning recipes in Clojure(script)
A Clojure-fied Nmap Wrapper
Re-ops landing page
re-ops presentation
Re-ops documentation
Managing AWS Cloudformation stasks from the REPL
Internet of thing(s) via the REPL
Setting up re-gitea using re-conf
Setting up ELK stack using re-conf
Updated Re-ops persentation