Query 1: Display all contents of the Clients table
Query 2: First names, last names, ages and occupations of all clients
Query 3: First and last names of clients that borrowed books in March 2018
Query 4: First and last names of the top 5 authors clients borrowed in 2017
Query 5: Least 5 author nationalities clients borrowed during the years 2015-2017
Query 6: The book that was most borrowed during the years 2015-2017
Query 7: Top borrowed genres for client born in years 1970-1980
Query 8: Top 5 occupations that borrowed the most in 2016
Query 9: Average number of borrowed books by job title
Query 10: Create a VIEW and display the titles that were borrowed by at least 20% of clients
Query 11: The top month of borrows in 2017
Query 12: Average number of borrows by age
Query 13: The oldest and the youngest clients of the library
Query 14: First and last names of authors that wrote books in more than one genre
Programming Language: MySQL
Computer Science 204: Database Programming