rds13 / ruby-on-rails-pdf-extractor

PDF Extractor is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files. [Ruby on Rails App]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PDF Extractor

This tool helps you to liberate data tables trapped inside PDF files.

Extremely useful tool for Data Scientist, Data Analyst and BI Analyst.

Why PDF Extractor?

If you’ve ever tried to do anything with data provided to you in PDFs, you know how painful this is — you can’t easily copy-and-paste rows of data out of PDF files. PDF Extractor allows you to extract that data in [CSV,JSON,TSV,ZIP] format, through a simple web interface.

Using PDF Extractor

First, make sure you have a recent copy of Java installed. PDF Extractor requires a Java Runtime Environment compatible with Java 7 (i.e. Java 7, 8 or higher).

Running PDF Extractor from source (for developers)

  1. Install ruby.

      cd ~
      rbenv install -v 2.3.1
      rbenv global 2.3.1
      rbenv versions
      ruby -v
  2. Install java 7(i.e. Java 7, 8 or higher).

  3. Install JRuby(JavaRuby). You can install it from its website, or using tools like rvm or rbenv. PDF Extractor uses the JRuby 9000 series (i.e. JRuby

      rbenv install jruby-
  4. Now install the Ruby dependencies. (Note: if using rvm or rbenv, ensure that JRuby is being used.

    a). First download or clone this repository, then go to the folder pdf-extractor

    cd pdf-extractor
    gem install bundler -v 1.5.0
    bundle install
    jruby -S jbundle install
    jbundle update
    jbundle show(optional command)

Then, start the development server by running below command:

RACK_ENV=development jruby -G -r jbundler -S rackup -p 9000

RACK_ENV=development jruby -G -r jbundler -S rackup -o  -p 9000

To run in production mode:

RACK_ENV=production jruby -G -r jbundler -S rackup -p 9000

RACK_ENV=production jruby -G -r jbundler -S -o rackup -p 9000

After server start, you will see all details on console:

ROOT_DIR = /home/yourusername/Projects/pdf-extractor
DATA_DIR = /home/yourusername/Projects/pdf-extractor/webapp/upload
DOCUMENTS_BASEPATH = /home/yourusername/Projects/pdf-extractor/webapp/upload/pdfs
DOCUMENTS_RELATIVEPATH = webapp/upload/pdfs
DOCUMENTS_OUTPUTPATH = webapp/static/export
running under / as root URI
Puma starting in single mode...
 Version 3.12.0 (jruby - ruby 2.5.0), codename: Llamas in Pajamas
 Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
 Environment: development
 Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop

For backend, I have done configuration of mongodb, you just need to do little tweak in settings.rb as per your system informations.

The site instance should now be viewable at

Sample file to upload and test the feature is in the parent directory.


Still look wrong?

Contact the developer and tell me what you tried to do that didn’t work.


PDF Extractor is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files. [Ruby on Rails App]

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 54.3%Language:JavaScript 22.9%Language:Ruby 17.2%Language:HTML 5.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%