A Markdown preprocessor for Svelte. Markdown in Svelte.
This repo is a monorepo containing mdsvex
and any supporting packages. Each repo has it's own readme with more details.
- site - The documentation website.
- mdsvex -
itself. - svelte-parse - Generate a svast AST from a Svelte components.
- svast - An AST specification with accompanying TypeScript definitions.
- svast-stringify - Turn a svast AST into a Svelte component.
- svast-utils - Utilities for working with a svast tree.
Contributions are welcome. This repo uses changesets to manage changelogs and versioning. All pull requests need an accompanying changeset file (PRs to the documentation website do not need a changeset file). If you know how changesets work then feel free to add one with the appropriate packages, versions and a description of the change. If you don't know how changesets work, don't worry about it, I am happy to add one (a little robot will also add some details to the PR when you open it as well, if you want to learn more).