rcuzco / Payvision.Challenge

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Software Engineer - C#

Here you have the challenge for the software engineer position. You can find in this branch a visual studio solution with different projects. Two different challenges, an algorithm one another one to see how you can refactor a dirty code. If you think that you can solve it using some design patters, feel free and apply them. Let's go! 😎

1- Counting bits

Given an integer, n, we want to know the following:

  1. How many 1-bits are in its binary representation?
  2. Let's say n's binary representation has k significant bits indexed from 1 to k. What are the respective positions (i.e., in ascending order) of each 1-bit?
  3. The performance is really important in this challenge.


Complete Count function in PositiveBitCounter class. It has one parameter: an integer, n. It must return an integer enumerable with the following 1 + k values:

  • The first index (0) must contain the total number of 1 bits in n's binary representation.
  • The subsequent indices must contain the respective positions of the one-indexed 1-bits in n's binary representation.

Output format

Return an enumerable of integers where the first element is the total number of 1-bits in n's binary representation and the subsequent elements are the respective one-indexed locations of each 1-bit from most to least significant.


The integer n = 161 converts to binary.

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Reverse the binary representation.

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Count number of positive bits: 3

Search the position: 0, 5, 7

Return { 3, 0, 5, 7 }

2- Refactoring fraud detection

Refactor the FraudRadar class. You can make any changes you see that are needed in code or tests. See the tests for more information.

Code Requirements:

  • All the tests must pass.
  • The code should fulfil OOP and SOLID principles.
  • The code should be maintainable.
  • The code should be extensible.
  • You should apply defensive programming practices.
  • Receive the file path is not nice. Think and change the signature and make it cooler.



Language:C# 100.0%