rcitton / rpi-powerwalker-plus

PowerMaster+ as a Docker container for x86_64

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PowerMaster+ Docker container

Runs PowerMaster+ UPS management software from a Docker container. Original idea from Reddit and Fredrik JΓΆnsson (see https://github.com/fjollberg/rpi-powerwalker-plus)


PowerMaster is the controller software for BlueWalker/PowerWalker UPS devices.

The software is organised in a "Local" component, typically run on a computer with a USB-connection with the UPS device, and a "Remote" component, run on all other hosts which listens to UPS events "Local" broadcasts.

This container provides the "Local" service.

Makefile Usage

Before to start check and in case change the "env.mk" entry:


The Makefile is offering following entrypoints:

all      βœ…  Build&Setup  Powerwalker+  
build    πŸ—οΈ  Build        Powerwalker+  image&container
connect  πŸ–§  Connect      Powerwalker+  container
cleanup  🧹  Cleanup      Powerwalker+  container&image
setup    πŸ”§  Setup        Powerwalker+  container
start    πŸš€  Start        Powerwalker+  container
status   πŸ”Ž  Status       Powerwalker+  container
stop     πŸ›‘  Stop         Powerwalker+  container
debug    🐞  Debug        Powerwalker+  (debug-purpose)
logs     πŸ“œ  Logs         Powerwalker+  container

Setup and usage

PowerMaster+ Docker container setup is done issuing:

make all


make build

make setup

later you can browse to http://localhost:3052/local

Stop PowerMaster+ Docker container

You can stop PowerMaster+ Docker container issuing:

make stop

Start PowerMaster+ Docker container

Once built You can start PowerMaster+ Docker container issuing:

make start

Cleanup PowerMaster+ Docker image & container

You can cleanup PowerMaster+ Docker image & container issuing:

make cleanup

"Development" and Testing

Connecting to the container

make connect

Running the service manually.

Connecting to the container with another shell makes it possible to kill the java process and start a new manually in order to catch output.

./jre/bin/java -classpath lib/Startup.jar -Xmx256m -Xms128m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.library.path=./bin -Djava.ext.dirs=./jre/lib/ext com.cyberpowersystems.ppbe.startup.Startup start

Assuming you use the provided jre and that /opt/pmasterp/data is the current working directory.


PowerMaster+ as a Docker container for x86_64

License:MIT License


Language:Makefile 81.1%Language:Dockerfile 13.5%Language:Shell 5.4%