rcaught / dokku-letsencrypt

BETA: Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate installation for dokku

Home Page:https://blog.semicolonsoftware.de/securing-dokku-with-lets-encrypt-tls-certificates/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dokku-letsencrypt (Beta)

dokku-letsencrypt is the official plugin for dokku that gives the ability to automatically retrieve and install TLS certificates from letsencrypt.org. Contrary to other methods, no temporary disabling of the webserver is required during the ACME challenge procedure (see the 'Design' section for how this is done)!

Note: dokku-letsencrypt will not auto-renew the certificates (but you can run the included certificate renewal procedure in a cronjob).

Note: By running this plugin, you agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement automatically (because prompting you whether you agree might break running the plugin as part of a cronjob).

Note: If you like Let's Encrypt, please consider donating to Let's Encrypt.


# dokku 0.4+
$ sudo dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt.git


$ dokku help
    letsencrypt <app>                       Enable or renew letsencrypt certificate for app
    letsencrypt:auto-renew                  Auto-renew all apps secured by letsencrypt if renewal is necessary
    letsencrypt:auto-renew <app>            Auto-renew app if renewal is necessary
    letsencrypt:email <app>                 Get e-mail address used as letsencrypt contact
    letsencrypt:email <app> <e-mail>        Set e-mail address used as letsencrypt contact
    letsencrypt:ls                          List letsencrypt-secured apps with certificate expiry
    letsencrypt:renew-before <app>          Get renewal grace period for app
    letsencrypt:renew-before <app> <time>   Set renewal grace period for app to <time> seconds
    letsencrypt:revoke <app>                Revoke letsencrypt certificate for app
    letsencrypt:server <app>                Display selected letsencrypt server for app
    letsencrypt:server <app> <server>       Select a letsencrypt server for app. Server can be 'default', 'staging' or a URL


Obtain a Let's encrypt TLS certificate for app myapp (you can also run this command to renew the certificate):

$ dokku letsencrypt:email myapp your@email.tld
=====> Setting Let's Encrypt e-mail address for myapp to 'your@email.tld'

$ dokku letsencrypt myapp
=====> Let's Encrypt myapp...
-----> Updating letsencrypt docker image...
latest: Pulling from m3adow/letsencrypt-simp_le

Digest: sha256:20f2a619795c1a3252db6508f77d6d3648ad5b336e67caaf801126367dbdfa22
Status: Image is up to date for m3adow/letsencrypt-simp_le:latest
-----> Enabling ACME proxy for myapp...
-----> Getting letsencrypt certificate for myapp...
        - Domain 'myapp.mydomain.com'
        hash of all pertinent configuration settings is a131be342a0d7661817a4c23b1a767f5da5abbf3

[ removed various log messages for brevity ]

-----> Certificate retrieved successfully.
-----> Symlinking let's encrypt certificates
-----> Configuring SSL for myapp.mydomain.com...(using /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/nginx-vhosts/templates/nginx.ssl.conf.template)
-----> Creating https nginx.conf
-----> Running nginx-pre-reload
       Reloading nginx
-----> Disabling ACME proxy for myapp...

Once the certificate is installed, you can use the certs:* built-in commands to edit and query your certificate.


dokku-letsencrypt gets around having to disable your web server using the following workflow:

  1. Temporarily add a reverse proxy for the /.well-known/ path of your app to$ACMEPORT
  2. Run the simp_le Let's Encrypt client in a Docker container binding to $ACMEPORT to complete the ACME challenge and retrieve the TLS certificates
  3. Install the TLS certificates
  4. Remove the reverse proxy and reload nginx

For a more in-depth explanation, see this blog post

Dealing with rate limit

Be aware that Let's Encrypt is subject to rate limiting. The limit about the number of certificates you can add on a domain per week is a concern for dokku because of the default domain added to your new applications, named like <app>.<dokku-domain>: using dokku-letsencrypt on all your applications would create a certificate for each application subdomain on <dokku-domain>.

As a workaround, if you want to encrypt many applications, make sure to add a proper domain for each one and remove their default domain before running dokku-letsencrypt. For example, if your dokku domain is dokku.example.com and you want to encrypt your foo app:

dokku domains:add foo foo.com
dokku domains:remove foo foo.dokku.example.com
dokku letsencrypt foo

While playing around with this plugin, you might want to switch to the let's encrypt staging server by running dokku letsencrypt:server myapp staging to enjoy much higher rate limits and switching back to the real server by running dokku letsencrypt:server myapp default once you are ready.


This plugin is released under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE.


BETA: Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate installation for dokku


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%