rcallahan / bargen


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bargen - a barcode design tool

	1. barcode length <=32 bases
	2. flexible mismatches chosen
	3. dimers, homopolymers restriction if you know waht it is
	4. balancing barcode at first N bases
	5. less memory footprint
		First, for NT barcodes using AGCT, each base can use only two bits in memmory. 
	So instead of saving strings, the memory just need save digits and iterates over digits.
	This is a significant speed-up design.
		Second, based on the mismathces/homopolymer/dimer restrictions, pick out the non-passed
	filters barcodes from the long digital array. Save this for later balance use.
		Last, randomly start a position from above saved array, calling the next barcode from the same lib.
	So that the next barcode can have the minimum bias value. It either stops when it run through the end of barcode 
	lib, or by a designate number input.
		barcode length: due to the design backbone, barcode length restricted to less than 32 b.

		mismatches: can be computed by edit distance or hamming distance(faster)

		bias definition: from base positon 1 to N (barcode length), the bias value is almost the GC contents - 50%.
	Author has a customized definition of the NT bases, but using GC content is perfectly fine. 	
		precomputed digital barcode lib: this can be replaced with hash lib, so the existence checking can be 
	significantly speed-up.(partially done in bargen2/)
		if you have any set of barcodes try to avoid, preload them before the barcode lib generating(solve function)

	make clean
	almost nothing
	./bg -b 8 -m 3 -N 5 -B 24 -S 3 

	Usage: bg  [options]

		-b barcode size
		-m mismatches allowed
		-N number of barcodes need to be balanced
		-B number of bases need to be balanced
		-S [optional] strict number, 7 : everything, 3: no trimer,1: no dimer , 0 : no neartri	
main functions:
	bargen_digit.h  //using number to represent ACGT string
		ntoc  number to string
		cton  string to number 
		FD	hamming distance over two same length string
		ED	edit distance over two same length string
		solve	produce barcode pool based on mismatches/homopolymer/dimer/nearhomopolymer
		balance re-organize the order of barcode pool so that the first N bases balanced over ACTG

	Jingtao Liu@EG
	Nov 2011




Language:C 99.3%Language:C++ 0.7%