rc-bellergy / threejs-particles-from-png

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using ThreeJS import point cloud (particles positions and colours) from png files

Why I create it?

I have a project that needs to display point cloud and interact with users on a website. I found the threejs can import the particle data by CSV but the file is too large for website download.

I found that if I can save the particles positions data to PNG files, the file size would be much smalled. (The R,G,B data can be converted to X,Y,Z position.)

So, I carered a small tool on Houdini that can bakes particles data to PNG files. Since the normal 8-bit PNG only can has 256 variants of each channel, the resolution is too low. I bake 16-bit PNG for the position data.

Finally, this small js project can read the PNG files and convert the data to particles and display on a website.

Setup the sample environment

# Develop and tested on node v17.7.1
# Run the `nvm` if need:
nvm use v17.7.1

# Install dependencies (only the first time)
npm install

# Run the local server at http://localhost:8080
# Debug mode: http://localhost:8080#debug
npm run dev

# Build for production in the dist/ directory
npm run build

Choose the sample

Change the showObject id in the /src/app/world/world.js line 17

  • showObject = 0:
    • particlesL 10
    • 16-bit PNG file size: 183 bytes
  • showObject = 1:
    • particles: 1,566
    • 16-bit PNG file size: 1 KB
  • showObject = 2:
    • particles: 2,729
    • 16-bit PNG file size: 17 KB
  • showObject = 3:
    • particles: 46,417
    • 16-bit PNG file size: 279 KB
  • showObject = 4:
    • particles: 1,959,459 (It runs still smooth in my Mac)
    • 16-bit PNG file size: 8.8 MB (but too large for website download)


A simple point cloid on threejs The Hong Kong landscape Point cloud of Kowloon.

Project Showcases


If you have any comments / questions, please feel free to leave it to issue.



Language:JavaScript 92.6%Language:GLSL 5.6%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:CSS 0.9%