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Python Syntax

Strings & Console Output [CC]

Conditional Tests

A conditional test is an expression that can be evaluated as True or False. Python uses the values True and False to decide whether the code in an if statement or while loop should be executed.

Checking For Equality

String comparisons
>>> car = "bmw"
>>> car == "bmw"
>>> car = "audi"
>>> car == "bmw"
Numerical comparison
>>> age = 18
>>> age == 18

Checking For Inequality

String comparison
>>> topping = "chicken"
>>> topping != "sweetcorn"
Numerical comparison
>>> age = 18
>>> age != 18

Comparison Operators

>>> age = 19
>>> age < 21
>>> age <= 21
>>> age > 21
>>> age >= 21

Checking Multiple Conditions

You can check multiple conditions at the same time. The and operator returns True if all the conditions listed are True. The or operator returns True if any condition is True.

Using and to check multiple conditions
>>> age_0 = 22
>>> age_1 = 18
>>> age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21
>>> age_1 = 23
>>> age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21
Using or to check multiple conditions
>>> age_0 = 22
>>> age_1 = 18
>>> age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21
>>> age_0 = 18
>>> age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21

Boolean Values

A boolean value is either True or False. Variables with boolean values are often used to keep track of certain conditions within a program.

game_active = True
can_edit = False

Ignoring Case

>>> car = "Audi"
>>> car.lower() == "audi"


Functions are named blocks of code designed to do one specific job. Functions allow you to write code once that can then be run whenever you need to accomplish the same task. Functions can take in the information they need, and return the information they generate. Using functions effectively makes your programs easier to write, read, test, and fix.

Defining A Function

The first line of a function is its definition, marked with the keyword def. The name of the function is followed by a set of parentheses and a colon. A docstring, in triple quotes, describes what the function does. The body of a function is indented one level. To call a function, give the name of the function followed by a set of parentheses.

def greet_user():    # defines the function greet_user()
greet_user()         # calls the function greet_user()

Passing Information To A Function

Information that's passed to a function is called an argument; information that's received by a function is called a parameter. Arguments are included in parentheses after the function's name, and parameters are listed in parentheses in the function's definition.

def greet_user(username):
  print("Hello, " + username + "!")

Positional & Keyword Arguments

The two main kinds of arguments are positional and keyword arguments. When you use positional arguments Python matches the first argument in the function call with the first parameter in the function definition, and so forth. With keyword arguments, you specify which parameter each argument should be assigned to in the function call. When you use keyword arguments, the order of the arguments doesn't matter.

Using positional arguments
def describe_pet(animal, name):
  print("\nI have a " + animal + ".")
  print("Its name is " + name + ".")
describe_pet('hamster', 'harry')
describe_pet('dog', 'willie')
Using keyword arguments
def describe_pet(animal, name):
  print("\nI have a " + animal + ".")
  print("Its name is " + name + ".")
describe_pet(animal='hamster', name='harry')
describe_pet(name='willie', animal='dog')

Default Values

You can provide a default value for a parameter. When function calls omit this argument the default value will be used. Parameters with default values must be listed after parameters without default values in the function's definition so positional arguments can still work correctly.

Using a default value
def describe_pet(name, animal='dog'):
  print("\nI have a " + animal + ".")
  print("Its name is " + name + ".")
describe_pet('harry', 'hamster')
Using None to make an argument optional
def describe_pet(animal, name=None):
  print("\nI have a " + animal + ".")
  if name:
    print("Its name is " + name + ".")
describe_pet('hamster', 'harry')

Return Values

A function can return a value or a set of values. When a function returns a value, the calling line must privide a variable in which to store the return value. A function stops running when it reaches a return statement.

Returning a single value
def get_full_name(first, last):
  full_name = first + ' ' + last
  return full_name.title()
musician = get_full_name('jimi', 'hendrix')
Returning a dictionary
def build_person(first, last):
  person = {'first': first, 'last': last}
  return person
musician = build_person('jimi', 'hendrix')
Returning a dictionary with optional values
def build_person(first, last, age=None):
  person = {'first': first, 'last': last}
  if age:
    person['age'] = age
  return person
musician = build_person('jimi', 'hendrix', 27)

musician = build_person('janis', 'joplin')

Passing A List To A Function

You can pass a list as an argument to a function, and the function can work with the values in the list. Any changes the function makes to the list will affect the original list. You can prevent a function from modifying a list by passing a copy of the list as an argument.

Passing a list as an argument
def greet_users(names):
  for name in names:
    msg = "Hello, " + name + "!"

usernames = ['hannah', 'ty', 'margot']
Allowing a function to modify a list
The following example sends a list of models to a function forprinting. The original list is emptied, and the second list is filled.
def print_models(unprinted, printed):
  while unprinted:
    current_model = unprinted.pop()
    print("Printing " + current_model)

# Store some unprinted designs, and print each of them.
unprinted = ['phone case', 'pendant', 'ring']
printed = []
print_models(unprinted, printed)

print("\nUnprinted:", unprinted)
print("Printed:", printed)
Preventing a function from modifying a list
The following example is the same as the previous one, except the original list is unchanged after calling print_models().
def print_models(unprinted, printed):
  while unprinted:
    current_model = unprinted.pop()
    print("Printing " + current_model)

# Store some unprinted designs, and print each of them.
original = ['phone case', 'pendant', 'ring']
printed = []
print_models(original[:], printed)

print("\nOriginal:", original)
print("Printed:", printed)

Passing An Arbitrary Number Of Arguments

Sometimes you won't know how many arguments a function will need to accept. Python allows you to collect an arbitrary number of arguments into one parameter using the * operator. A parameter that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments must come last in the function definition. The ** operator allows a parameter to collect an arbitrary number of keyword arguments.

Collecting an arbitrary number of arguments
def make_pizza(size, *toppings):
  print("\nMaking a " + size + " pizza.")
  for topping in toppings:
    print("- " + topping)

# Make three pizzas with different toppings.
make_pizza('small', 'pepperoni')
make_pizza('large', 'bacon bits', 'pineapple')
make_pizza('medium', 'mushrooms', 'peppers', 'onions', 'extra cheese')
Collecting an arbitrary number of keyword arguments
def build_profile(first, last, **user_info):
  # Build a dict with the required keys.
  profile = {'first': first, 'last': last}
  # Add any other keys and values.
  for key, value in user_info.items():
    profile[key] = value
  return profile
# Create two users with different kinds of information.
user_0 = build_profile('albert', 'einstein', location='princeton')
user_1 = build_profile('marie', 'curie', location='paris', field='chemistry')



You can store your functions in a separate file called a module, and then import the functions you need into the file containing your main program. This allows for cleaner program files. (Make sure your module is stored in the same directory as your main program.)

Storing a function in a module
def make_pizza(size, *toppings):
  print("\nMaking a " + size + " pizza.")
  for topping in toppings:
    print("- " + topping)
Importing an entire module
import pizza

pizza.make_pizza('medium', 'pepperoni')
pizza.make_pizza('small', 'bacon', 'pineapple')
Importing a specific function
from pizza import make_pizza

make_pizza('medium', 'pepperoni')
make_pizza('small', 'bacon', 'pineapple')
Giving a module an alias
import pizza as p

p.make_pizza('medium', 'pepperoni')
p.make_pizza('small', 'bacon', 'pineapple')
Giving a function an alias
from pizza import make_pizza as mp

mp('medium', 'pepperoni')
mp('small', 'bacon', 'pineapple')
Importing all functions from a module
from pizza import *

make_pizza('medium', 'pepperoni')
make_pizza('small', 'bacon', 'pineapple')


A list stores a series of items in a particular order. Lists allow you to store sets of information in one place, whether you have just a few items or millions of items. Lists are one of Python's most powerful features readily accessible to new programmers, and they tie together many important concepts in programming.

Defining A List

Use square brackets to define a list, and use commas to separate individual items in the list. Use plural names for lists, to make your code easier to read.

things = []
users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

Accessing Elements

Individual elements in a list are accessed according to their position, called the index. The index of the first element is 0, the index of the second element is 1, and so forth. Negative indices refer to items at the end of the list. To get a particular element, write the name of the list and then the index of the element in square brackets.

users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

first_user = users[0]             # returns the first element
second_user = users[1]            # returns the second element
newest_user = users[-1]           # returns the last element
second_newest_user = users[-2]    # returns the penultimate element

Modifying Individual Elements

Once you've defined a list, you can change individual elements in the list. You do this by referring to the index of the item you want to modify.

users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

users[0] = 'valerie'
users[-2] = 'ronald'

Adding Elements

You can add elements to the end of a list, or you can insert them into a specific index position.

Adding elements to the end of a list using .append()
users = ['ron']

Inserting elements at particular positions using .insert()
users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

users.insert(0, 'joe')  
users.insert(3, 'bea')

Removing Elements

You can remove elements by their position in a list, or by the value of the item. If you remove an item by its value, Python removes only the first item that has that value.

Deleting elements by index position using del
users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

del users[0]    # deletes first element
del users[3]    # deletes element at index position 3
del users[-1]   # deletes last element
Removing elements by value using .remove()
users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

users.remove('mia')   # removes lowest index list item with value 'mia'

Popping Elements

If you want to work with an element that you're removing from the list, you can "pop" the element. If you think of the list as a stack of items, pop() takes an item off the top of the stack. By default pop() returns the last element in the list, but you can also pop elements from any position in the list.

users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned']

most_recent_user = users.pop()    # returns last element of list

first_user = users.pop(0)         # returns first list element

List Length

The len() function returns the number of items in a list.

num_users = len(users)
print("We have " + str(num_users) + " users.")

Sorting A List

The sort() method changes the order of a list permanently. The sorted() function returns a copy of the list, leaving the original list unchanged. You can sort the items in a list in alphabetical order, or reverse alphabetical order. You can also reverse the original order of the list. Keep in mind that lowercase and uppercase letters may affect the sort order.

Permanently sorting a list using .sort()
users.sort()                # permanently sorts list in alphabetical order
users.sort(reverse=True)    # permanently sorts list in reverse alphabetical order
Temporarily sorting a list using sorted()
user_sort = sorted(users)                          # temporarily sorts list in alphabetical order
user_sort_reverse = sorted(users, reverse=True)    # temporarily sorts list in reverse alphabetial order
Reversing the order of a list using .reverse()
users.reverse()    # reverses order of list

Looping Through A List

Lists can contain millions of items, so Python provides an efficient way to loop through all the items in a list. When you set up a loop, Python pulls each item from the list one at a time and stores it in a temporary variable, which you provide a name for. This name should be the singular version of the list name. The indented block of code makes up the body of the loop, where you can work with each individual item. Any lines that are not indented run after the loop is completed.

for user in users:
  print(user)   # prints each item of list
for user in users:
  print("Welcome, " + user + "!")               # prints message after each item in list

print("Welcome, we're glad to see you all.")    # prints message after all items of list are printed

Slicing A List

You can work with any set of elements from a list. A portion of a list is called a slice. To slice a list, start with the index of the first item you want, then add a colon and the index of the last item you want, plus one. If an initial index value is not specified, the slice will be started at the beginning of the list. If a final index value is not specified, slice will end at the end of the list.

finishers = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe']

first_three = finishers[:3]      # returns first three list items
middle_three = finishers[1:4]    # returns list items in index positions 1, 2 and 3
last_three = finishers[-3:]      # returns last three list items

Copying A List

To copy a list, you must make a slice that starts with the first item and ends with the last. Failure to do this will result in unintended changes to the original list.

finishers = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe']

finishers_copy = finishers[:]    # creates a seperate copy of the list

List Comprehensions

You can use a loop to generate a list based on a range of numbers or on another list. This is a common operation, so Python offers a more efficient way to do it. List comprehensions may look complicated at first; if so, use the for loop approach until you're ready to start using comprehensions. To write a comprehension, define an expression for the values you want to store in the list. Then write a for loop to generate input values needed to make the list.

Generating a list of square numbers
Using for loop method
squares = []

for x in range(1,11):       # iterates from 1 to 10
  square = x**2
  squares.append(square)    # appends the value of 'square' onto list each iteration
Using list comprehension method
squares = [x**2 for x in range(1,11)]    # generates a list of the first ten square numbers
Converting a list to uppercase
Using for loop method
names = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe']

upper_names = []
for name in names:
  upper_names.append(name.upper())    # appends items converted to upper case from list 'names'
Using list comprehension method
upper_names = [name.upper() for name in names]    # generates list of items converted to uppercase from list 'names'


A tuple is like a list, except you can't change the values in a tuple once it's defined. Tuples are good for storing information that doesn't change for the entirety of the program. Tuples are designated by parenthesis instead of square brackets. Information in tuples can be overridden completely, however, individual elements cannot be changed.

Defining A Tuple

dimensions = (800,600)

Looping Through A Tuple

for dimension in dimensions:

Overwriting A Tuple

dimensions = (800,600)

dimensions = (1200,900)


Python's dictionaries allow you to connect pieces of related information. Each piece of information in a dictionary is stored as a key-value pair. When you provide a key, Python returns the value associated with that key. You can loop through all the key-value pairs, all the keys, or all the values.

Defining A Dictionary

Use curly braces to define a dictionary. Use colons to connect keys and values, and use commas to separate individual key-value pairs.

alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}
alien_1 = {'color': 'purple', 'points': 3}
alien_X = {'color': 'invisible', 'points': 'unknown'}

Accessing Values

To access the value associated with an individual key, give the name of the dictionary and then place the key in a set of square brackets. If the key you're asking for is not in the dictionary, an error will occur. You can also use the .get() method, which returns None instead of an error if the key doesn't exist. You can also specify a default value to use if the key is not in the dictionary.

Accessing key values directly
alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}

Accessing key values using .get()
alien_0 = {'color': 'green'}

alien_color = alien_0.get('color')
alien_points = alien_0.get('points', 0)    # The second argument of the `.get()` function is the default value.


Adding New Key-Pair Values

You can store as many key-pair values as you want in a dictionary, until the computer runs out of memory. To add a new key-value pair to an exisiting dictionary, give the name of the dictionary and the new key in square brackets and set it equal to the new value. This also allows you to start with an empty dictionary and add key-value pairs as they become relevant.

alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}

alien_0['x'] = 0
alien_0['y'] = 25
alien_0['speed'] = 1.5
alien_0 = {}

alien_0['color'] = 'green'
alien_0['points'] = 5

Modifying Values

You can modify the value associated with any key in a dictionary. To do so, give the name of the dictionary and anclose the key in square brackets, then preovide the new value for that key.

alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}

alien_0['color'] = 'yellow'
alien_0['points'] = 10

Removing Key-Value Pairs

You can remove any key-value pair you want from a dictionary. To do so, use the del keyword and the dictionary name, followed by the key in square brackets. This will delete the key and its associated value.

alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}

del alien_0['color']
del alien_0['points']

Looping Through A Dictionary

You can loop through a dictionary in three ways, you can loop through all the key-value pairs, all the keys, or all the values. A dictionary only tracks the connections between keys and values; it doesn't track the order of items in the dictionary. If you want to process the information in order, you can sort the keys in your loop.

Looping through all key-value pairs
# Store people's favorite languages.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': 'python',
  'sarah': 'c',
  'edward': 'ruby',
  'phil': 'python',

# Show each person's favorite language.
for name, language in fav_languages.items():
  print(name + ": " + language)
Looping through all keys
# Store people's favorite languages.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': 'python',
  'sarah': 'c',
  'edward': 'ruby',
  'phil': 'python',

# Show everyone who's taken the survey.
for name in fav_languages.keys():
Looping through all values
# Store people's favorite languages.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': 'python',
  'sarah': 'c',
  'edward': 'ruby',
  'phil': 'python',

# Show all the languages that have been chosen.
for language in fav_languages.values():
Looping through all the keys in order
# Store people's favorite languages.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': 'python',
  'sarah': 'c',
  'edward': 'ruby',
  'phil': 'python',

# Show each person's favorite language, in order by the person's name.
for name in sorted(fav_languages.keys()):
  print(name + ": " + language)

Dictionary Length

You can find the number of key-value pairs in a dictionary using the len() function.

# Store people's favorite languages.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': 'python',
  'sarah': 'c',
  'edward': 'ruby',
  'phil': 'python',

num_responses = len(fav_languages)

Nesting Dictionaries Inside Lists

It's sometimes useful to store a set of dictionaries in a list; this is called nesting.

Nesting dictionaries using .append()
# Start with an empty list.
users = []

# Make a new user, and add them to the list.
new_user = {
  'last': 'fermi',
  'first': 'enrico',
  'username': 'efermi',

# Make another new user, and add them as well.
new_user = {
  'last': 'curie',
  'first': 'marie',
  'username': 'mcurie',

# Show all information about each user.
for user_dict in users:
  for k, v in user_dict.items():
  print(k + ": " + v)
Nesting dictionaries directly
# Define a list of users, where each user is represented by a dictionary.
users = [
    'last': 'fermi',
    'first': 'enrico',
    'username': 'efermi',
    'last': 'curie',
    'first': 'marie',
    'username': 'mcurie',

# Show all information about each user.
for user_dict in users:
 for k, v in user_dict.items():
 print(k + ": " + v)

Nesting Lists Inside Dictionaries

Storing a list inside a dictionary allowys you to associate more than one value with each key.

# Store multiple languages for each person.
fav_languages = {
  'jen': ['python', 'ruby'],
  'sarah': ['c'],
  'edward': ['ruby', 'go'],
  'phil': ['python', 'haskell'],
# Show all responses for each person.
for name, langs in fav_languages.items():
  print(name + ": ")
  for lang in langs:
  print("- " + lang)

Nesting Dictionaries Inside Dictionaries

You can store a dictionary inside another dictionary. In this case each value associates with a ket is itself a dictionary.

users = {
    'aeinstein': {
    'first': 'albert',
    'last': 'einstein',
    'location': 'princeton',
    'mcurie': {
    'first': 'marie',
    'last': 'curie',
    'location': 'paris',

for username, user_dict in users.items():
  print("\nUsername: " + username)
  full_name = user_dict['first'] + " "
  full_name += user_dict['last']
  location = user_dict['location']
  print("\tFull name: " + full_name.title())
  print("\tLocation: " + location.title())

Using OrderedDict

Standard Python dictionaries don't keep track of the order in which keys and values are added; they only preserve the association between each key and its value. If you want to preserve the order in which keys and values are added, use an OrderedDict.

from collections import OrderedDict

# Store each person's languages, keeping track of who respoded first.
fav_languages = OrderedDict()

fav_languages['jen'] = ['python', 'ruby']
fav_languages['sarah'] = ['c']
fav_languages['edward'] = ['ruby', 'go']
fav_languages['phil'] = ['python', 'haskell']

# Display the results, in the same order they were entered.
for name, langs in fav_languages.items():
  print(name + ":")
  for lang in langs:
    print("- " + lang)

Generating Dictionaries Using For Loops

You can use a loop to generate a large number of dictionaries efficiently, if all the dictionaries start out with similar data.

aliens = []

# Make a million green aliens, worth 5 points each. Have them all start in one row.
for alien_num in range(1000000):
  new_alien = {}
  new_alien['color'] = 'green'
  new_alien['points'] = 5
  new_alien['x'] = 20 * alien_num
  new_alien['y'] = 0

# Prove the list contains a million aliens.
num_aliens = len(aliens)

print("Number of aliens created: " + num_aliens)

If Statements

If statements allow you to examine the current state of a program and respond apporopriately to that state. You can write a simple if statement that checks one condition, or you can create a complex series of if statements that identify the exact conditions you are looking for. Several kinds of if statements exist. Your choice of which to use depends on the number of conditions you need to test. You can have as many elif blocks as you need, and the else block is always optional.

If Statement

age = 19

if age >= 18:
  print("You are old enough to vote.")

If-Else Statement

age = 19

if age >= 18:
  print("You are old enough to vote.")
  print("You can't vote yet.")

If-Elif-Else Chain

age = 19

if age < 5:
  price = 0
elif age < 18:
  price = 5
  price = 10
print("Your cost is ÂŁ" + str(price) + ".")

While Loops

A while loop repeats a block of code as long as a condition is True.

Using A While Loop To Count

current_number = 1

while current_number <= 5:
  current_number += 1

Letting The User Choose when To Quit

prompt = "\nTell me something, and I'll "
prompt += "repeat it back to you."
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' to end the program. "

message = ""
while message != "quit":
  message = input(prompt)
  if message != "quit":

Using A Flag

prompt = "\nTell me something, and I'll "
prompt += "repeat it back to you."
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' to end the program. "

active = True
while active:
  message = input(prompt)
  if message == "quit":
    active = False

Using break To Exit A Loop

prompt = "\nWhat cities have you visited?"
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' when you're done. "

while True:
  city = imput(prompt)
  if city == "quit":
    print("I've been to " + city + "!")

Using continue In A Loop

banned_users = ['eve', 'fred', 'gary', 'helen']

prompt = "\nAdd a player to your team."
prompt += "\nEnter 'quit' when you're done. "

players = []
while True:
  player = input(prompt)
  if player == 'quit':
  elif player in banned_users:
    print(player + " is banned!")

Avoiding Infinite Loops

Every while loop needs a way to stop running so it doesn't continue to run forever. If there is now way for the condition to become False, the loop with never stop running.

Example Of An Infinite Loop
while True:
  name = input("\nWho are you? ")
  print("Nice to meet you, " + name + "!")

Removing All Instances of A Value From A List

The .remove() method removes a specific value from a list, however it only removes the first instance of the value provided. You can use a while loop to remove all instances of a particular value.

pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'fish', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'cat']


while 'cat' in pets:



Classes are the foundation of object-oriented programming. Classes represent real-world things you want to model in your programs: for example dogs, cars, and robots. You use a class to make objects, which are specific instances of dogs, cars, and robots. A class defines the general behavior that a whole category of objects can have, and the information that can be associated with those objects. Classes can inherit from each other – you can write a class that extends the functionality of an existing class. This allows you to code efficiently for a wide variety of situations.

Creating Classes

Consider how we might model a car. What information would we associate with a car, and what behavior would it have? The information is stored in variables called attributes, and the behavior is represented by functions. Functions that are part of a class are called methods.

Creating the Car() class
class Car():
  def __init__(self, make, model, year):
    self.make = make
    self.model = model
    self.year = year

    # Fuel capacity and level in gallons.
    self.fuel_capacity = 15
    self.fuel_level = 0

  def fill_tank(self):
    self.fuel_level = self.fuel_capacity
    print("Fuel tank is full.")

  def drive(self):
    print("The car is moving.")
Creating an object from a class
my_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)
Accessing attribute values
Calling methods
Creating multiple objects
my_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)
my_old_car = Car('subaru', 'outback', 2013)
my_truck = Car('toyota', 'tacoma', 2010)

Modifying Attributes

You can modify an attribute's value directly, or you can write methods that manage updating values more carefully.

Modifying an attribute directly
my_new_car = Car('audi', 'a4', 2016)
my_new_car.fuel_level = 5
Writing a method to update an attribute's value
def update_fuel_level(self, new_level):
  if new_level <= self.fuel_capacity:
    self.fuel_level = new_level
    print("The tank can't hold that much!")
Writing a method to increment an attribute's value
def add_fuel(self, amount):
  if (self.fuel_level + amount <= self.fuel_capacity):
    self.fuel_level += amount
    print("Added fuel.")
    print("The tank won't hold that much.")

Class Inheritance

If the class you're writing is a specialized version of another class, you can use inheritance. When one class inherits from another, it automatically takes on all the attributes and methods of the parent class. The child class is free to introduce new attributes and methods, and override attributes and methods of the parent class. To inherit from another class, include the name of the parent class in parentheses when defining the new class.

Using the __init__() method
class ElectricCar(Car):
  def __init__(self, make, model, year):
    super().__init__(make, model, year)
    # Attributes specific to electric cars. Battery capacity in kWh.
    self.battery_size = 70
    # Charge level in %.
    self.charge_level = 0
Adding new methods to the child class
class ElectricCar(Car):
  def charge(self):
    self.charge_level = 100
    print("The vehicle is fully charged.")
Using child and parent methods
my_ecar = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)

Overriding parent methods
class ElectricCar(Car):
  def fill_tank(self):
    print("This car has no fuel tank!")

Instances As Attributes

A class can have objects as attributes. This allows classes to work together to model complex situations.

Creating the Battery() class
class Battery():
  def __init__(self, size=70):
    # Capacity in kWh, charge level in %.
    self.size = size
    self.charge_level = 0
  def get_range(self):
    if self.size == 70:
      return 240
    elif self.size == 85:
      return 270
Using an instance as an attribute
class ElectricCar(Car):
  def __init__(self, make, model, year):
    super().__init__(make, model, year)
    # Attribute specific to electric cars.
    self.battery = Battery()
  def charge(self):
    self.battery.charge_level = 100
    print("The vehicle is fully charged.")
Using the instance
my_ecar =  ElectricCar('tesla', 'model x', 2016)


Importing Classes

Class files can get long as you add detailed information and functionality. To help keep your program files unclutttered, you can store your classes in modules and import the classes you need into your main program.

Storing classes in a file
class Car():

class Battery():

class ElectricCar(Car):
Importing individual classes from a module
from car import Car, ElectricCar

my_beetle = Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)

my_tesla = ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)
Importing an entire module
import car

my_beetle = car.Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)

my_tesla = car.ElectricCar('tesla', 'model s', 2016)
Importing all classes from a module
from car import *

my_beetle = Car('volkswagen', 'beetle', 2016)

Storing Objects In A List

A list can hold as many items as you want, so you can make a large number of objects from a class and store them in a list. Here's an example showing how to make a fleet of rental cars, and make sure all the cars are ready to drive.

from car import Car, ElectricCar

# Make lists to hold a fleet of cars.
gas_fleet = []
electric_fleet = []

# Make 500 gas cars and 250 electric cars.
for _ in range(500):
  car = Car('ford', 'focus', 2016)
for _ in range(250):
  ecar = ElectricCar('nissan', 'leaf', 2016)

# Fill the gas cars, and charge electric cars.
for car in gas_fleet:
for ecar in electric_fleet:

print("Gas cars:", len(gas_fleet))
print("Electric cars:", len(electric_fleet))


Exceptions are special objects that help your programs respond to errors in appropriate ways. For example if your program tries to open a file that doesn’t exist, you can use exceptions to display an informative error message instead of having the program crash.

The Try-Except Block

When you think an error may occur, you can write a try-except block to handle the exception that might be raised. The try block tells Python to try running some code, and the except block tells Python what to do if the code results in a particular kind of error.

Handling The ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
  print("You can't divide by zero!")
Handling The FileNotFoundError
file_name = 'siddhartha.txt'

  with open(file_name) as file_obj:
  lines = file_obj.readlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
  msg = "Can't find file {0}.".format(file_name)

The Else Block

The try block should only contain code that may cause an error. Any code that depends on the try block running successfully should be placed in the else block.

Using An Else Block For Error Handling
print("Enter two numbers. I'll divide them.")
x = input("First number: ")
y = input("Second number: ")

  result = int(x) / int(y)
except ZeroDivisionError:
  print("You can't divide by zero!")
Preventing User Input Induced Crashes

Without the except block in the following example, the program would crash if the user tries to divide by zero. As written, it will handle the error gracefully and keep running.

print("Enter two numbers. I'll divide them.")
print("Enter 'q' to quit.")

while True:
  x = input("\nFirst number: ")
  if x == 'q':
  y = input("Second number: ")
  if y == 'q':
  result = int(x) / int(y)
 except ZeroDivisionError:
  print("You can't divide by zero!")

The Pass Statement

Sometimes you want your program to just continue running when it encounters an error, without reporting the error to the user. Using the pass statement in an else block allows you to do this.

Using The Pass Statement In An Else Block
f_names = ['alice.txt', 'siddhartha.txt',
  'moby_dick.txt', 'little_women.txt']
for f_name in f_names:
  # Report the length of each file found.
    with open(f_name) as f_obj:
    lines = f_obj.readlines()
  except FileNotFoundError:
    # Just move on to the next file.
    num_lines = len(lines)
    msg = "{0} has {1} lines.".format(f_name, num_lines)

Bare Except Blocks

Exception-handling code should catch specific exceptions that you expect to happen during your program's execution. A bare except block will catch all exceptions, including keyboard interrupts and system exits you might need when forcing a program to close. If you want to use a try block and you're not sure which exception to catch, use Exception. It will catch most exceptions, but still allow you to interrupt programs intentionally.

Using Exception
  # Do something
except Exception:

File Import & Export


Styling Your Code

Styling your code helps with readability. This is especially important in Python. To keep your code neat and tidy, you should;

  1. Use four spaces per indentation
  2. Keep your lines below 80 characters
  3. Use single blank lines to visually seperate individual groups of code

Naming Conventions

In Python, class names are written in CamelCase and object names are written in lowercase with underscores. Modules that contain classes should still be named in lowercase with underscores.

Knowing Which Exception You Need To Handle

It can be hard to know what kind of exception to handle when writing code. Try writing your code without a try block, and make it generate an error. The traceback will tell you what kind of exception your program needs to handle.

Deciding To Report An Error

Well-written, properly tested code is not very prone to internal errors such as syntax or logical errors. But every time your program depends on something external such as user input or the existence of a file, there's a possibility of an exception being raised. It's up to you how to communicate errors to your users. Sometimes users need to know if a file is missing; sometimes it's better to handle the error silently.