rbrooks95 / u2_lab_react_LOTR

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the codebase bind them.

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React Lord of the Rings

lord of the rings


Let's build something small to reinforce what you've learned so far. We're going to practice creating components and passing information into them through props. We'll be building a simple website that displays titles, movie posters, and runtime for the original Lord of the Rings Trilogy.


  • Pass data through React props into child components
  • Create a reusable component to display data from props

What You'll Be Building

You'll be building a website in this lab with a header and 3 movies. Here is an example site:

Lord of the Rings movie info

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repository and cd into the new directory.
  • You've been given starter code. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • You'll be working in the src directory of this app.


Create A Simple Movie Component

A components directory is typically where you'll add components in a React project to organize your files. Go ahead and make one now inside the src directory...

Inside of the components folder, create a new React Component file called Movie.js.

We'll write our Movie component as a functional component:

const Movie = () => {

  return (

export default Movie

Add some JSX inside the return so this component will be visible in our application.

Let's keep the JSX simple for now, and we'll make it more complex once we're sure it works. Remember, our goal is to display the movie poster, title, and runtime information.

  • Let's add one <h1> for the movie title, one <img> for the poster, and a <p> for the runtime.
  • In the <h1> and <p> tags add this text to start:
<h1>Lord of the Rings: </h1>
<p>Runtime: </p>

Viewing the Component

Open src/App.js and add the <Movie /> inside of <main>.

Now open the app in your browser with npm start if you haven't already to see if it is rendering.

Uh oh. There's an error.

Failed to compile
  Line 11:  'Movie' is not defined  react/jsx-no-undef

'Movie' is not defined? Ah.


One does not simply refer to components in React. In our src/App.js, we're saying "Display what's returned from the Movie component." However - we haven't told src/Apps.js where to find the Movie component!

  • Add an import statement at the top of the src/App.js file.
  • You can use VS Code's IntelliSense to see if your path is correct as you type your import statement string.
import Movie from './components/Movie'

Now you should see the page without the error message, and it should have the JSX from the Movie component.

Passing Information via Properties (props)

We need to make the Movie component accept information so we can use it to display different titles and runtimes.

  • In the src/App.js file, add title, hours, minutes, and poster props to the <Movie /> tag.
  • Remember, when adding props to a component, we need to first give the prop a name, then pass data into it. Example:
<Component propName={propData} />

Here is some starter data for you to add in for your <Movie /> props.

title hours minutes poster
The Fellowship of the Ring 2 58 https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/6oom5QYQ2yQTMJIbnvbkBL9cHo6.jpg

We'll store this data in App.js and pass it down the component hierarchy to Movie.js.

We'll be able to read the value of these props from inside the component. You can name props pretty much anything you want - but it's good practice to be descriptive!

  • Update the JSX in src/components/Movie.js to access and display the value of each prop we created. Remember we'll need to use the { } syntax!

Refresh the page and make sure everything works correctly and that your props are displaying. When you're done, you should see the movie title, runtime, and the poster!

Reusing the Component

one ring

One component to rule them all

Once you've got props working for one component, then write two more!

In src/App.js, call the <Movie /> component again with different values for the title, hours, minutes, and poster. properties. Display information for the complete trilogy! (If you don't know everything about Lord of the Rings off the top of your head, here it is).

title hours minutes poster
The Fellowship of the Ring 2 58 https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/6oom5QYQ2yQTMJIbnvbkBL9cHo6.jpg
The Two Towers 2 59 https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/rrGlNlzFTrXFNGXsD7NNlxq4BPb.jpg
The Return of the King 3 21 https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/rCzpDGLbOoPwLjy3OAm5NUPOTrC.jpg

Maybe we could restructure our data for each movie as objects in App.js like this:

const fellowship = {
  title: "The Fellowship of the Ring",
  hours: 2,
  minutes: 58,
  poster: "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/6oom5QYQ2yQTMJIbnvbkBL9cHo6.jpg"

If we do this, then we could just pass the movie details in the object to our Movie components and access the objects keys like this:

<Movie title={fellowship.title} hours={fellowship.hours} minutes={fellowship.minutes} poster={fellowship.poster} />

Much cleaner!

In case you want to nerd out and add even more details, here are handy links to the IMDB page for each movie:

When you're finished, add some style to create a Lord of the Rings themed page.


Components are great because they allow us to compartmentalize code and easily reuse parts we create. We simply set the value of props and the component defines how everything should be displayed.

In this instance, we factored out some redundancy of the movie titles.

  • All these movies start with "Lord of the Rings:", so only the unique part is the prop.
  • Similarly, we don't have to rewrite the format of the runtime information.

Building and reusing components becomes especially powerful the more complex the components become.

  • Imagine building a component for video search results inside YouTube.
    • The props list is huge:
      • tons of links
      • time information
      • preview images
      • options to add the result to a playlist
      • and all sorts of other things.

Building one component to rule them all would save you a lot of time and headaches!




One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the codebase bind them.


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