rbonghi / jetson_stats

📊 Simple package for monitoring and control your NVIDIA Jetson [Orin, Xavier, Nano, TX] series

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Jetpack missing [L4T 6.0]

jasl opened this issue · comments

Please update jetson-stats with new jetpack

Linux for Tegra

  • L4T: JetPack 6.0 Developer Preview


  • Version: 4.2.3
$ sudo systemctl status jtop.service
○ jtop.service - jtop service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/jtop.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2023-12-06 08:58:40 CST; 46s ago
    Process: 14502 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jtop --force (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 14502 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        CPU: 395ms

Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:     data = self.jtop_decode()
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/jtop/service.py", line 575, in jtop_decode
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:     data['mem'] = self.memory.get_status(total)
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/jtop/core/memory.py", line 428, in get_status
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:     utilization = int(cat(self._root_path + "/actmon_avg_activity/mc_all"))
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/jtop/core/common.py", line 109, in cat
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]:     with open(path, 'r') as f:
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14531]: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/kernel/actmon_avg_activity/mc_all'
Dec 06 08:58:39 jasl-agx-orin jtop[14502]: [INFO] jtop.service - Service closed
Dec 06 08:58:40 jasl-agx-orin systemd[1]: jtop.service: Deactivated successfully.


It seems that JetPack 6.0DP changed the way to access EMC freq again. I can't see EMC freq in tegrastats either. Maybe we should ask for help in forums.developer.nvidia.com

It seems that JetPack 6.0DP changed the way to access EMC freq again. I can't see EMC freq in tegrastats either. Maybe we should ask for help in forums.developer.nvidia.com

I've created a post https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/jtop-no-longer-works-on-jp-6-0-dp/275215

I've checked the tegrastats util and fixed the problem in #471.
Note: The fix is only for JP6.0 and won't work in JP5.1 before.

Working in progress!
Thank you for your PR. I noticed some other bugs for this new Jetpack 6.0 DP version.
I'll release soon

@jasl & @qqice can you help me?

I merged your PR and others on develop branch, but I noticed something strange on the info page, can you send me a screenshot from page 7 (info page)

@jasl & @qqice can you help me?

I merged your PR and others on develop branch, but I noticed something strange on the info page, can you send me a screenshot from page 7 (info page)

Sure, I'm pulling dev branch, will reply you later

thx! Looks like the new JP6.0 doesn't have enabled the I2C

@jasl & @qqice can you help me?

I merged your PR and others on develop branch, but I noticed something strange on the info page, can you send me a screenshot from page 7 (info page)


And when quit jtop, I see

[WARN] jtop not support this hardware
  Please, try: sudo pip3 install -U jetson-stats or
  open a Github issue & attach file from: jtop --error-log (press CTRL + Click)

I had the same experience. The I2C device is not detected from jtop, and the service doesn't recognize the board.
I also notice the SMBus get an error

-bash: smbus2.smbus2.SMBus: No such file or directory

I'm looking at the documentation to recognize the reason and fix it.

released a new version 4.2.4

sudo pip3 install -U jetson-stats

It's almost fixed. I noticed some bugs (not jtop related)

  • It's missing the CPU model name (missing in /proc/cpuinfo)
  • Missing /proc/device-tree/nvidia,dtsfilename and not available anymore the Codename variable

I close this issue, but please feel free to open a new one if you notice bugs

~/jetson_stats$ sudo systemctl status jtop.service
Unit jtop.service could not be found.

after installing from pip3
is there a way to build from source ?

I am in Jetpack 5.1.2, just installed from SDK Manager. Running through my usual checklist, including jtop (why the heck isn't this installed standard by now?!). I did:

sudo apt install python3-pip -y
sudo -H pip3 install -U jetson-stats

Rebooted, and then:

scott@ubuntu:~$ jtop
The jtop.service is not active. Please run:
sudo systemctl restart jtop.service

scott@ubuntu:~$ sudo systemctl restart jtop.service
Failed to restart jtop.service: Unit jtop.service not found.

I saw a quite old thread with these same symptoms, which you appear to have addressed, yet here I am today with this again. Any ideas?

Hi @sbierly

thank you to write this message, I think the error is the same on this issue #488

Can you please share me the output from

sudo pip3 install --no-cache-dir -v -U jetson-stats
journalctl -u jtop.service -n 100 --no-pager

if the output from the latest command is empty can you please me share also the output from this command:

sudo JTOP_SERVICE=True jtop --force

scott@Orin4:~$ sudo pip3 install --no-cache-dir -v -U jetson-stats
[sudo] password for scott:
Non-user install because site-packages writeable
Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ef3memzz
Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-req-tracker-4wytwvjk
Initialized build tracking at /tmp/pip-req-tracker-4wytwvjk
Created build tracker: /tmp/pip-req-tracker-4wytwvjk
Entered build tracker: /tmp/pip-req-tracker-4wytwvjk
Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-install-4ini5ebg
1 location(s) to search for versions of jetson-stats:

scott@Orin4:~$ journalctl -u jtop.service -n 100 --no-pager
-- Logs begin at Tue 2023-11-21 16:10:21 EST, end at Wed 2024-01-24 19:36:56 EST. --
-- No entries --

scott@Orin4:~$ sudo JTOP_SERVICE=True jtop --force
[INFO] jtop.service - jetson_stats 4.2.5 - server loaded
[INFO] jtop.service - Running on Python: 3.8.10
[INFO] jtop.core.hardware - Hardware detected aarch64
[INFO] jtop.core.hardware - NVIDIA Jetson 699-level Part Number=699-13701-0000-500 J.0
[INFO] jtop.core.hardware - NVIDIA Jetson Module=NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin
[INFO] jtop.core.hardware - NVIDIA Jetson detected L4T=35.4.1
[INFO] jtop.core.cpu - Found 12 CPU
[INFO] jtop.core.gpu - GPU "ga10b" status in /sys/devices/platform/17000000.ga10b
[INFO] jtop.core.gpu - GPU "ga10b" frq in /sys/devices/platform/17000000.ga10b/devfreq/17000000.ga10b
[INFO] jtop.core.processes - Process service started
[INFO] jtop.core.memory - Found EMC!
[INFO] jtop.core.memory - Memory service started
[INFO] jtop.core.engine - Special Engine group found: [dlaX]
[INFO] jtop.core.engine - Special Engine group found: [pvaX]
[INFO] jtop.core.engine - Engines found: [APE DLA0 DLA1 NVDEC NVENC NVJPG OFA PVA0 SE VIC]
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "CV0" in thermal_zone2
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "CPU" in thermal_zone0
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "Tboard" in thermal_zone9
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "SOC2" in thermal_zone7
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "Tdiode" in thermal_zone10
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "SOC0" in thermal_zone5
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "CV1" in thermal_zone3
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "GPU" in thermal_zone1
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "tj" in thermal_zone8
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "SOC1" in thermal_zone6
[INFO] jtop.core.temperature - Found thermal "CV2" in thermal_zone4
[WARNING] jtop.core.power - Skipped NC /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0041/hwmon/hwmon4/in1_label
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Alarms VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO - {'crit_alarm': 0, 'max_alarm': 0}
[WARNING] jtop.core.power - Skipped NC /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0041/hwmon/hwmon4/in3_label
[WARNING] jtop.core.power - Skipped "sum of shunt voltages" /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0041/hwmon/hwmon4/in7_label
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Alarms VDD_GPU_SOC - {'crit_alarm': 0, 'max_alarm': 0}
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Alarms VDD_CPU_CV - {'crit_alarm': 0, 'max_alarm': 0}
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Alarms VIN_SYS_5V0 - {'crit_alarm': 0, 'max_alarm': 0}
[WARNING] jtop.core.power - Skipped "sum of shunt voltages" /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0040/hwmon/hwmon3/in7_label
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Found I2C power monitor
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Found name=1-00081 type=USB model= in ucsi-source-psy-1-00081
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Found name=1-00082 type=USB model= in ucsi-source-psy-1-00082
[INFO] jtop.core.power - Found SYSTEM power monitor
[INFO] jtop.core.fan - Fan pwmfan(1) found in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2
[INFO] jtop.core.fan - RPM pwm_tach found in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0
[INFO] jtop.core.fan - Found nvfancontrol.service
[INFO] jtop.core.jetson_clocks - jetson_clocks found in /usr/bin/jetson_clocks
[INFO] jtop.core.nvpmodel - nvpmodel running in [2]MODE_30W - Default: 2
[ERROR] jtop.service - Group jtop does not exist!

Can you test this release candidate for me? Looks fixed @sbierly @Tavis991

sudo -H pip3 install -v jetson-stats==4.2.6rc1

if you confirm I'll make a new version stable
Otherwise can you copy and paste the output of this installation

Thank you very much

Fixed with new release 4.2.6

Update with:

sudo -H pip3 install -U jetson-stats

working ! great job buddy