rbndelrio / infinia-m-and-l

M&L Group, fashion that's faster than a rack of DGX A100s πŸ’ƒ

Home Page:infinia-m-and-l.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

M&L, an Infinia company

Hosted on Vercel


Technical Notes

The release of Vue 2.7 came with a port of Vue 3's Composition API. It still has the same limitations as Vue 2 when it comes to object tracking but the ergonomics are just as wonderful. I'll use a mix of them to demonstrate that I have working knowledge of both.

HOWEVER, I couldn't use @heroicons or @headlessui due to incompatibility with Vue 2.

The Vuex store architecture is appropriate for the tiny scope of the app but any larger and I would split each piece into separate modules.


For deadline's sake, it wasn't possible to maintain consistently clean code but here's some notable bits:

  • pinned node environments for CI and local development
  • upgraded necessary dependencies (Vite and its vue plugin were outdated) and purged a few packages
  • using typescript annotations via jsdoc comments in `@/router/index.js
  • When RouterLinks are used, prefer using the :to="{ name, params }" syntax instead of path matching
  • folder structure for page sections (see @/components/home)
  • occasional use of <slot>s
  • all global state mutations happen through actions


M&L Group, fashion that's faster than a rack of DGX A100s πŸ’ƒ



Language:Vue 67.5%Language:JavaScript 30.9%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:HTML 0.7%